Chapter 19:I'm just myself

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After returning from the village Kumagawa had to give an report to Mylene. Once finished with all the annoying officialities he had gone to drink tea with Clarice and Deidre, taking this oportunity to tell them about the relic.

Kumagawa:[And than Hertrude-chan got really mad at me and started calling me an idiot.]

Deidre:...Well, wasn't that expected? She really seems to have wanted it from what you told us.

Kumagawa:[I don't get why she'd want it.]

Clarice:Yes, this is troubling. Was it really alive? Who'd do something like this...Did it have any ties with Jilk's family?

Kumagawa:[You know, I asked myself the same question.]

Deidre:To be honest, things aren't good now...

Clarice:There are several nobles that want too seize your Lost Items.

Kumagawa:[I'd espect as much. How long are they gonna take?]

Clarice:What are yo...

She didn't get to finish her question as the door swung open with a loud bang. Several soldiers came in, muskets pointed at Kumagawa.

Kumagawa:[You guys took a while. The Kingdom's management is inefficient as alwais.]

Clarice:What is going on? That's an impolite way to treat someone who has the rank of Viscount.

Captain:Rank has no meaning for a traitor!

Deidre:Traitor? He's a hero!

Kumagawa:[What do I need to do for people to stop calling me that?]

Captain:Hero? Hah, what kind of hero would make deals with tge Principality!

Kumagawa:[Ah, so they're gonna use my relationship with Hertrude-chan to accuse me and also get a deal with her because of that relic. Well, I understand that they could use a boy being close to a beautiful girl as an excuse to paint me as a traitor...Oh, my bad! You can't imagine yourself in this situation, can you? Yeah, you must've never spoken with a beautiful girl if it wasn't to lick her boots. I'm sorry, I misspoke!]

Captain:You...Just move already!

Kumagawa followed them with no resistance at all. Sure, he could've slaughtered them and than move on to the problem or even erased those acts all together. But he's curious where this lead.

As he expected, students didn't even try to hide their disgust to his supposed betrayal. He's not surprised, the majority of normals could simply be described as dumb sheeps that follow whatever they're told.

Kumagawa:[This is really nice! I haven't been escorted like this before. I wonder what they offered Hertrude-chan? Maybe one of those lousy writting material? Hey, do you know who arranged all of this for me? I'd like to thank them personally. Was it this Marquis Frapton I keep hearing about?]

Captain:Even thought you're guilty...

The captain moved to punch Kumagawa, but he had nkt expected what would happen next. Before his fist could reach the young Viscount oversized screws were shot around him, sevsring his arm and piercing his upper body.

Blood poured out of his nose and mouth, his eyes seeing the approaching ground. However, he then saw forward once again.

Not only that, his injuries were gone and he was completly fine. Even the people around him were acting like...Like...Like nothing ever happened!

Kumagawa:[Are you alright? You seem quiet fatigued...Maybe the stress is getting to you from this much anger? You should be moreindful of your health. Kf this goes on you might end up getting...Screwed over.]

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