S.S Vampire

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(This is based on Olivia's Rodrigo song Vampire so is not just a normal vampire chapter the plot of the song would be in this chapter and the meaning too so let's go)

It was night you were walking at the town when you were walking out of the cemetery of the town when you suddenly bump into a girl who was coming out of there and drops her drink "Omg I am sorry I didn't see you" you said apologise as you pick her drink "it's ok don't worry... y-you are beautiful" The girl said as she quickly fall in love with you and looked at you she has red hair and blue eyes " um thanks I am Y/n you?" You said as you introduce to her " I am Sadie I know is the first time we met but do you want to come over" She ask as you were surprise by that but you couldn't refuse " um sure yeah do you want walk together home" you said as you accept her invitation she nodded and you both walk at Sadie's home.

When you enter her house you were impressed by the decorations "wow so cool room" you said and she smiles "thanks do you want to make you something oh right I have cookies and blo..." she starts saying but she cut her word as she was about to say Blood as you didn't know her true self you furrow your eyebrows confuse " I mean hot chocolate" she quickly said "oh yea of course" you said as she went to the kitchen you were still in confusion about Sadie.

She came back with the cookies and the chocolates and you decided to watch a movie but Sadie couldn't just take her eyes from you when the movie finished you notice her still looking at you that's when you turn and look at her " um Sadie why are you looking at me like that" you ask her confuse but she break the eye contact " oh nothing" she said looks down sad " ok uh I think I should get going back is getting late oh here my address so you can come to my home too" you said as you write your address and give her your phone number " ok see you" she said and you leave and went back home.

Sadie as now she was invited now she has plan to do so she quickly run out of her house and run to yours she climb from your window and quiet she was in your room you were sleeping well she was hungry and the reason she came to you was because she wanted your blood and she would do this by falling in love with you. She kneel down slowly over you her fangs and her eyes were turning red when she slowly start bite your neck and carefully to not hurt you she finished quickly and she clean your neck and she quickly left again from the window.

You wake up the morning as you didn't even realise the bite on your neck when you just get up there was a call from Sadie " Hi Sadie" you said on the phone " Hi are you awake" she said " yes do you want to come over to my house" you offer her to come to your house but Sadie quickly side her eyes as she couldn't get out in the sunlight as she was going to burn " uhhh no no I can't I am getting sunburn easy when I only touch a bit of the sunlight" she lied little to you " Alr I will come to yours then" you said and you left a sigh you hang up the phone you get ready and went to her house.

When you enter her house she opened but all her house was dark as the curtains were close " Hiii Why are your curtains close" you said confuse " well I told you I am getting sunburn easily" Sadie said and you both sit on her couch "well how are you Sadie" you said as you both sat down " um I am good you are so so beautiful" she said with a flirty smile you looked at her and she looked back at you "I uhh I want to say this that I" she starts saying as she wanted to express her feelings about her crush as you were waiting for her to say " I-I like you Y/n you are so pretty I can't stop thinking about you" she said looking into your eyes you looked to her you started having the feelings for her too "why you didn't tell me this earlier I like you too Sadie" you said as you started blush and looked at her lips when you both closed the gap and kiss gentle at first when it turns into passionate kiss.

She push you down to the couch as you continue making out she went top of you she starts kissing your neck leaving marks "mmm oh god Ohhh" you start moaning " continue this at bedroom?" Sadie whisper to your ear you nodded as she pick you up in a bridal style and you both went upstairs she closed the room door and she throw you to the bed "undress darling" she said with flirty voice you start taking off everything and Sadie too she quickly went top of you and smack her lips on your doing a hungry and passionate kiss she kissed your neck as you started moaning again and she move down to your pussy you open your legs for more access " scream my name baby" she said to you and you start moaning more loud as she licking and kissing your pussy "OHHH SADIE SADIE UHH" you were screaming her name and moaning.

After that you were sleeping and you both cuddling when Sadie started biting your neck again drinking your blood she was literally falling in love with you and want you only for your blood but her feelings were real for you.

After weeks you too were dating but still you were so naive and oblivious about what Sadie was actually doing to you but this didn't took long to figure it out she was coming to you only at night and never at morning right now it was night and she was at your room cuddling you and you were sleeping Sadie did the same thing again when suddenly she start biting you more than before and she move her teeth to your wrist Sadie was so so hungry this time that she didn't think to keep it private when you feel the pain you wake up and you saw Sadie biting your neck you screamed once you saw it she was literally biting your neck and your neck was bleeding " Sadie WTF stop it stop!" You said loud she lift her head as she realise that you know her secret she gets her fangs from your neck as her mouth was full of blood when you saw the fangs you screamed more and you get up from Bed " Y/n please let me explain" Sadie said as she tried to calm you down " WHY should I calm down WHY SHOULD YOU ARE A VAMPIRE BY THE NAME so what you fall in love with me only for my blood what KIND OF LOVE IS THIS AND OHH I SHOULD KNOW IT coming to me only at night and never at morning and you make me acting naive and oblivious you never love me you that I could die from that YOU KNOW LEAVE GO AWAY VAMPIRE YOU ARE ONLY A BLOODSUCKER" you start screaming yelling to Sadie that you started crying from the Betrayal she did to you " Y/n I know I am very sorry but the truth is I never knew about love and with you I felt it for the first time I never lied that I love you I love you Y/n so much I won't do this again I promise please forgive me I love you I want to be with you I promise I won't bite you" Sadie said saying the truth that she was actually love you and she never lied about it and begging you to stay with you and forgive you she was so true that she started crying you move closer kneel down and hugged her you saw she was never lying "it's ok I forgive you and I believe you will you promise to never bite me again?" You said to Sadie she nodded with truth "I love you too then I love you too Sadie" you said as she lift her head and smiles she hugged you back when you kissed with true love this time.

You were laying both on your bed cuddling each other " I love you" Sadie said waving your hair " I love you too" you said back as you kissed and relax but this time she didn't bite you she was feeling better now and she never drink your blood only blood bags and you love each other until the end.

The end

That's the end of this chapter too I really love the song so I inspired from it hope you love it too I will try to be fast again for the next one so I will see you to the next chapter guys I love you all <3<3<3

Sadie sink imagines &lt;3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora