S.S Stress problems

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(This is a related to me cause i have stress problems too so i want to express my problems here lets go)

You were at your home writing at your computer some essay for your college in which you were being good at it but you had stress problems since high school  when suddenly you start thinking that you will be fail at the essay and everyone would be laughing at you and Sadie will leave you cause of this your mind was full of this thoughts of failure and everyone would turn their back on you.

Your head starts hurt and you start crying and stress was fully you sat on your bed as you tried to calm down yourself the stress was big as you had stress problems since 15 years old you were crying and stress taking you down as the breathe was getting heavier and you can say that your breathing was hearing when Sadie your girlfriend where you are dating from high school until now and she has become your biggest support ever as she is the only one who gets you away from the stress.

Right now she was entering your shared house and going to the bedroom you can say she was hearing your breathes so she quickly went in as she knew that stress got you again she sees you in the same situation you were before she quickly run and sat down beside you " Baby Y/n are you ok" she said grabbing your shoulder you looked at her with tears and your stress still being in you "no I am not okay I know you will leave me" you start saying " what why I would leave you Y/n tell me what are you stress about" Sadie said as she give you courage to tell her
you took a breathe and as your voice starts cracking "I-I was w-writing a es-say for my college a-and I s-started thinking that I-I will fail all my classmates would l-laugh at me and even you and you will leave cause you think I am not smart and I c-can't success anything" you said at Sadie what's on your mind that make you stress.

She wide her eyes as she saw your breathe getting harder "hey hey Y/n look at me breathe with me ok Breathe in ... Breathe out calm down I am here calm down" She said as she calm you down you started breathing with her and you are finally calm by your stress but not too much  "but why I would leave you cause of just a failure on your essay...Y/n I love you so so much and I always will be here for you I can help you with your essay everything will be fine you don't need to stress about our relationship cause I would never ever leave you I will always love you" Sadie as she grab your chin and lift your head up and you look at her as you were tear up " I know you will I am so sorry I am sorry for this" you said as you started crying and you hugged her tight and cried on her hug "shh it's ok it's ok let the stress go away I am here I love you so much" Sadie said as was waving your head and rubbing your back and kissing your forehead.

You continue crying at her hug and breathe at the same time to calm down and you manage to defeat your stress you lift your head up and you both touch your foreheads and you smiled because you have calm down now for real this time you start crying happy " I am ok now I am calm thank you Sadie" you said as you looked at her "it's ok I am glad you are ok now" Sadie said as she smile back and she cuddle your cheek and place a piece of your hair behind your ear.

"I love you" you said as you grab her hair too "I love you too" she said smiling and you kissed full in love the kisses lasted for long when you pulled out "Alright let's get your essay done don't worry let's do it together" Sadie said as she stood up "Hmm ok let's do this" you said as you get up and sit down on your desk and open the computer.
You were writing the essay and Sadie was next to you and help you when you finally manage and finished it.

The next day

You were at your college and you were have essay lesson you were now introduce your essay and fortunately you did it very well everyone clapped and your teacher too you smile as you did this with Sadie this time.
After the college you met with Sadie " well how the essay went" she said to you " I pass I did it very well everyone cheer up and clapped for it even my teacher too" you said excited that you did it with your essay " aww that's so great see I told you you will do it great you don't need to stress about those things as you know that I am always with you ... I love you Y/n so much" Sadie said happy for you "I love you too so much" you said back to her as you both lean into a true love kiss as your relationship was getting stronger and stronger with Sadie as nothing can stop you not even your stress problems
You were always stick together and love each other forever.

The end

Finally this chapter is finish sorry for the long wait I was busy and I have many chapters in progress so see you at the next chapter I love you all so much <3<3<3

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