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" was your trip?" I asked after exiting the airport's parking lot. The silence that had been filling the car was literally choking me.

He turned his gaze slowly away from the window, eyeing me. "It was good."

Good? That's it? He just spent eight months away for a trip that was just good?

I pursed my lips and nodded, clearly sensing that he doesn't want to talk to me.

This man that I was picking up was my husband, and he just came back after a business trip with a company suggested by my father that had a huge deal offering. He didn't give a second thought to accept their proposal to leave and check it out, and I guess with how we ending things on the day he was leaving, he was even more firm in his decision to get away from me. I kind of understand why. I was being a bitch that day.

It had just been thirteen days since my father had us married. My husband had previously worked as my father's personal assistant, and he was someone I never even glanced at before. But now I realize how he had always been watching me.

And when the time came for my father to retire, I knew I was fucked.

Was I aware that the only condition to obtain my inheritance was by being married? Yes. Did I also happen to give my father false hope by pretending to be 'seeing someone' just to get him off my back? Yes. And did I actually have a man who I wanted to marry? Absolutely not.

Forgive me for leading him on, but in my defense, I didn't expect him to be retiring so soon. He didn't give any sign or heads up he was going to either.

He was so angry and...disappointed that I had no one. I had felt like shit with him looking down on me, even more so with how he graciously pointed out I had no one. He made it seem like I was the problem, that I was perhaps undesirable by men. Which was a great blow to my pride.

And to add to my shame, Aidan, my now husband and father's assistant, was in the room and had silently witnessed everything.

I couldn't tell what he had thought of me at the time—not that I cared—with the stoic facial expressions I've learned he uses to be unreadable. I hate it when he does that.

In his rage, my father said that he would have someone arranged for me—someone he trusted enough to be by my side while I run his business. Someone who knew everything about it well enough and could help guide me through everything.

I obviously refused, reminding him that it would be me who would be marrying a stranger and that he can't possibly just give me away. Unfortunately for me, he did not see reason to change his mind.

I guess as my father was turning away, he realized that Aidan had been there the whole time, listening in on our conversation.

I don't know what went through my father's mind, because to my horror, he asked Aidan if he was single or in a relationship. I wanted to die on the spot.

Aidan also looked taken aback by the question. I take it that he doesn't mix work and his personal life together. I'm pretty sure my father doesn't just simply ask outrageous questions like that too cause he doesn't answer at first. However, he soon quickly replied 'no' at whatever expression my father wore on his face.

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