21 - First Time Trading

Start from the beginning

Sinbad, never one to be left out of a conversation, playfully pointed a finger at himself. "And me?"

Ja'far's reaction was a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his eyes shifting between the two of them as if seeking answers hidden beneath the surface. "Aren't you two siblings?" he asked. "Even if you don't ressemble each other. But I saw you sleeping next to each other in Imuchakk. That or..." He left the implication hanging, suggesting a deeper and more intimate relationship between the two.

Sinbad and Reana exchanged a furtive glance, then awkwardly averted their eyes, their faces flushing with embarrassment. They hadn't expected Ja'far to draw such a conclusion. As they tried to formulate a response, their words tumbled out in a jumble.

Ja'far grinned playfully as he drew out the moment. "Oh, I see..."

"No, it's not like that..." Reana began, but her voice trailed off as she glanced at Sinbad for support.

Sinbad stammered, "We were all sleeping together in Imuchakk, and there were other people there, like Hinahoho and Pipirika... and their younger siblings too... so it doesn't really count..."

Ja'far, seemingly unimpressed with their explanations, approached Sinbad and spoke in a low tone. "I've been observing you, you know. Back when I was on a mission to kill you. I saw you hitting on random women, countless times. Do you think I'll believe you if you said you didn't try anything with her?"

"Hey! It's different!" Sinbad protested, his face reddening even further.

"Different? How?" Ja'far teased, grinning up at him impishly.

"You... little brat!" Sinbad muttered, his cheeks still flushed.

Rurumu, who had been standing spectator to the last part of their discussion, couldn't help but laugh at their exchange.

"That's enough, Ja'far," she said, stepping in to mediate the situation. "You're teasing them too much."

Ja'far shrugged with a mischievous grin. "I was just having some fun."

"Well, now that the fun is over, maybe we should get back to work," Rurumu suggested. "You all still have a lot to learn."

They all froze upon hearing her words, especially Ja'far, who tended to receive a lot of Rurumu chops due to his attitude.


Sinbad and Ja'far lay sprawled on the floor in comical misery. Their faces twisted into grotesque expressions, they moaned dramatically.

As they bemoaned their mental fatigue, Hinahoho ambled by, eyeing the duo with an amused grin. He couldn't help but tease them, crouching down with a chuckle. "Are you two alive?"

Vittel and Mahad joined Hinahoho. "Chief... I mean, Ja'far, hang in there," Vittel quipped.

"Yep yep" added Mahad.

Sinbad and Ja'far, their faces contorted in agony, managed to speak in unison, their voices strained. "My brain is fried."

The group couldn't help but laugh at their expense, all understanding the toll that Rurumu's training had taken on them.

Hinahoho, grinning, patted them on their backs in a rather ungentlemanly manner. "Rurumu is playing the role of a strict mentor for your sake. Hold out a little longer! Besides..."

His words were interrupted by the sweet sound of Rurumu's voice, announcing that lunch was ready. They all turned toward her, expressions brightening when they saw her and Reana approaching, carrying an array of mouthwatering dishes.

Loved by Fate ? - Adventures of Sinbad [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now