5 - The wandering traveler

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As Sinbad stood at the edge of the rooftop, his senses heightened by the urgency of the situation, he caught the chilling exchange between the armed men below. Anger coursed through his veins as he heard their vile intentions towards the defenseless women and children.

With unwavering determination, Sinbad called out to the brigands, his voice carrying a firm authority. "Hold it! No one can cause trouble in this harbor and get away with it in my presence!"

The men turned their attention towards the rooftop, their expressions morphing into a mix of surprise and disdain. "What? Just a kid?" one of them sneered, while another laughed mockingly. "You think you're a match for us? Go home and pee, kid."

Undeterred by their mockery, Sinbad flashed a confident smile, his eyes gleaming with determination. In one fluid motion, he leaped from the rooftop, his long purple hair billowing behind him like a vibrant banner of courage. His feet landed with precision and force, delivering a powerful strike to the boss's stomach, causing him to crumple to the ground in pitiful defeat. The stunned brigands could hardly believe their eyes.

"T-That kid just took out our boss?" one of them stammered in disbelief.

The realization of their imminent peril ignited a surge of rage within the remaining men. "Now you've done it. You'll pay for this!" they snarled, launching themselves at Sinbad,  weapons raised.

Reana's heart raced as she watched the chaotic scene unfold before her eyes. Her concern for Sinbad was momentarily overwhelmed by awe as she witnessed his astounding agility and combat prowess. Sinbad seemed to possess an uncanny ability to anticipate their every move, gracefully evading their strikes with precise footwork and agile maneuvers. His body seemed to flow with the rhythm of the fight, his eyes focused and sharp.

With each dodge, Sinbad retaliated, his punches and kicks landing with precision. His strikes were swift and powerful, leaving his opponents stumbling and bewildered. It was as if he could see their movements before they even happened, his intuition guiding him flawlessly through the chaotic dance.

The surrounding air filled with the sounds of grunts, clashes, and exclamations of pain. Sinbad's determination and skill were on full display, his movements fueled by a mix of adrenaline and a desire to protect those in need. Reana couldn't help but be in awe of his abilities, her heart swelling with a deep sense of admiration.

Before long, the once-confident brigands lay defeated, a disheveled pile of bodies on the ground. Sinbad stood amidst them, dusting off his hands with a satisfied "Whew," a mix of fatigue and triumph coloring his voice. He turned around to find the people from the cart—two women, one little girl, and an old man—standing behind him in awe. Their eyes filled with gratitude and admiration, they couldn't contain their words of appreciation.

"Thank you so much!" one of the women exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. Her words echoed the collective sentiment of the group, expressing their heartfelt thanks for Sinbad's courageous intervention.

The little girl, her eyes shining with excitement, chimed in, "Big bro, you're so strong! You're like a legendary djinn!"

Sinbad wore a broad grin at the comparison, his pride and joy evident. "Ha ha. All I did was read their waves. Men or the sea, they all have waves... and there are no waves I can't ride over."

The little girl's awe only grew, her wonderment palpable. "Wah!" she exclaimed, captivated by Sinbad's words.

As the others continued to express their gratitude, the woman who had initially thanked him spoke again, her voice filled with sincerity. "Honestly... I don't know how to thank you."

Loved by Fate ? - Adventures of Sinbad [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now