Long road

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Thea knew the time for the wars were drawing closer. All of the contenders , except the King, were sitting in a small room with no furniture. The stone floor and walls were cold. Adonis laying against his sister was sleeping silently. Thea tried to sleep but was too afraid someone would attack them. Sleep was the only way to pass by the hours they had been sitting there.

Thea looked around at the other pairs. Some were Adonis's age. Most were near Thea's age. And a few that were Makani and Dakaris age, around 19. Yet all of them were still children. Some were asleep beside each other. Some were whispering, forming strategies to win the war. Some were crying. Mixed emotion flooded the room. Thea was sure that one emotion they all shared was fear. Even Thea felt it.

Thea's fear was not of death. Her fear was the fear of her plan failing. As she looked over at Adonis it confirmed that she had to try even if it failed.


The door to the stone room swung open. "Form a line! Stand in your pairs." The man who opened the door yelled but not with Hostility but with volume so the children could hear him.

Adonis got in line beside Nova whom had been laying near him and Thea. Thea found herself at the back of the line without her partner.

The children began to walk, following the man in front of them. Adonis constantly looking back to make sure his big sister didn't disappear. The man led them outside of the stone building and down a dirt path. The forest surrounded them. Multiple men in uniforms began walking alongside the contenders.

After awhile of walking, Thea heard the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. She turned around, as did the other children, to see the source of the sound. Thea saw 3 horses galloping towards them with three men on them.

Thea quickly noticed the man in the middle was Atticus. She was wondering when he would come. The other two men were guards in uniforms just like the man leading the contenders.

The horses slow down as they approached the group. The two guards continued past Thea but Atticus and his brown horse walked beside Thea.
Without the hatred in her eyes, she noticed how handsome Atticus was. His dark hair and light eyes caught her attention. Thea continued walking forward.
"Here." Atticus said.
Thea turned to see Atticus offering his hand to her.
She continued walking.
"Don't be stubborn. Your going to need your strength to win." He told her still offering his hand.
Thea didn't acknowledge him.
"I said get on." Atticus said sternly.
Thea did not look at him. She continued watching Adonis from afar.
Thea felt a firm grip on her bicep. She looked at her arm to see Atticus's large hand holding on to her.
Suddenly Thea feet left the ground.  Atticus pulled Thea on to the horse in front of him. Thea sat side saddle due to her dress. "Why would you do that?" Thea said trying to get down.
"Dont even try." He said while looking past her and placing his hand on her abdomen to keep her on the horse.
Thea huffed and moved his hand off of her. As soon as his hand left her abdomen his right hand grabbed the back of her dress.

Thea quit fighting. She now knew that he was just as stubborn as she was. If she didn't stop fighting, it would never end. After Theas mind cleared she realized she hasn't laid eyes on Adonis within the last 5 minutes. She quickly turned her head until she found Adonis's brown hair. A small sigh of relief escapes her lips.

The sun beating down began to affect the group. The contenders began to walk slower as did the horses. "We're almost there." The leading man shouted.
Thea kept her eyes on Adonis at all times.
"He's not going anywhere." Atticus said from behind her.
She turned her neck. She looked at him harshly but didn't say anything. She turned back around to find her brother.
"If you want to survive, your gonna have to talk."
"What makes you think I want to survive? If I'm alive that means Adonis is dead." She says.
" Not necessarily." He says.
Thea looks at him with confusion.
"He has to be the only male survivor. So technically you can be the only female survivor and you both get out."
Atticus left out the part about it Adonis was Alive that meant he was dead.
"I will do whatever I need to do so that Adonis makes it home. And I mean anything." She says and looks to find her brother once more.
Atticus didn't have a response. He knew he would do the same for Artemis.
"Atticus Micheal." Atticus said offering his hand once more.
"Theadosia Ramsey." Thea shook his hand. The two stayed silent the rest of the ride.

Thea tried to avoid forming any connection to him, knowing there was a chance he could be dead in the next few hours. She also knew she could be the one taking his life.

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