Atticus Micheal

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"Atticus Micheal and Lilith Vaun."
The 14 year old boy looked at his family in the box above him. His mothers hand was placed across her mouth. His little brother sat beside her staring back. Lilith pulled Atticus towards the front on the room.

The children began walking up the stairs. "The first Tribus has been selected. Now on to the second pair." The man announced.

Atticus stared into the crowd, not looking at anyone in particular. His vision blurred so his mind began to wonder.
"We're gonna die." He said under his breath.
Lilith shot him a look. Anger came first but a few seconds later her face softened and her eyes drifted to her feet.

"Han Jadin and Quin Glass." the man said, "This concludes the selection."
The rest of the children left the room as the families of the contenders made their way to them.

Atticus watched as Lilith's family surrounded her with love. He waited patiently for his mother and brother to arrive.

Atticus felt arms wrapped around him. He turned to see his younger brother holding on to him for dear life. "My boy." He heard his mother say. He looked at his mother, her eyes were full of tears. She quickly ran to Atticus gave him the hug he had been waiting for ever since his name had been called.

The Micheal family did not speak until Atticus's little brother, Artemis, spoke up. "When will you be back?" he asked holding high hopes that his brother would survive. Atticus's blue eyes shifted to his mothers tearful ones. "Soon." he says, "Very soon little brother."
"You said you'd be alright." Artemis told him.
"I will be. I will come back I promise. But Ma needs you to be strong now. Stronger than I am." Atticus said while holding a firm grip on Artemis's shoulders.
Their mother, wrapped up in her shawl, dapped her tears off of her face.

Men in uniforms began to walk towards the contenders and drag them away. "It's time for me to go." Atticus said while watching Lilith being escorted out of the room.
"Be safe my boy." His mother instructed him.
He gave her a silent nod.
He turned and left his small family before he could form a tear. Atticus never shed a single tear. He did not fear the war. He feared death. His fear was his motivation.

The 47th war resulted in Atticus Micheal becoming the King over the Sections. Atticus's partner Lilith Vaun was crowned as the Queen. Atticus and Lilith were the pair contenders for Tribus. King Roan's life was taken by Atticus Micheal. As well as the past Queen, Kina Matasi.
The kill count listed below:
Roan Wonkru: 3
Kina Matasi: 1
Windsor Pastan: 0
Juna Drena: 0
Jarin Locin: 1
Gara Minx: 0
Palo Buwa: 0
Caja Finin: 1
Jusha Quing:0
Yen Halo:0
Zivan Wens:1
Jass Tener: 1
Astern Noles:0
Lorca Mones:0
Iko Rous:0
Mika Mo:0
Kinsan Vala:1
Lowan Hudge:0
Atticus Micheal: 11
Lilith Vaun:0
Han Jadin:0
Quin Glass:0
Atticus Micheal with 11 kills. Most of the child's kills were ambush form. He would wait until dark and slip behind his victims and slit their throat quietly. Each morning the battlefield had less and less contenders able to play. His partner, Lilith, survived the games. Within a week after the war Atticus killed his former partner. He will not discuss the reason behind her death.

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