The End of Everything

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The Man speech continued for what felt like hours. "Next generation." Some of his words slipped into Thea's mind but they didn't make sense without context. The tears on Thea's cheeks were dried now and the King has yet to move from his position. "Jaron Willis and Kala Vas."
Thea didn't know what to think. Part of her was preparing herself for death. Another part was preparing for a fight. Deep down Thea knew this would end with her death. "pair one complete."Even If she managed to live through the contenders of the queen battle and the Blood Wars. She wouldn't survive Atticus.
Another tear slipped out of Thea's eye. What was the point of fighting. " Adonis Ramsey and Nova Dallas." She knew this would be the way she died. Then a word finally made sense to her. Adonis Ramsey. A name she knew. Thea hands grip the edge of the seat. Atticus's eyes shifted to Thea but she didn't notice. "No. No. No." She whispered under her breath. He eyes going back and forth between her parents and Adonis. Adonis hiding it well like she told him looked like he was proud to be chosen. As he walked up the stairs he locked eyes with his sister and his disguise broke. "Hold it together little brother." She whispered. Atticus, still staring at Thea, then shifted his eyes to Adonis but then back to Thea. Thea turned to the King. "Please. He is only 14. You have to do something." She pleaded under her breath. Atticus's cold eyes did not change, they just stared deeper into her soul. "It is out of my control." He said and began to stare blankly at the crowd like he did before Thea moved. Another tear escaped. She quickly wiped it away and sat up straighter.
"This concludes the selection." The Man announcing said and stepped away.

Multiple Guards came to escort the rest of the teenagers out of the ball room. The family of the contenders were allowed to stay to say their goodbyes. The King stood to leave, He glanced at Thea who was staring a deadly stare toward him. His heart froze. The stare she gave him he had seen before. Not from Thea but from another. He continued to walk and leave her where she sat.

"Thea you said i'd be alright." Adonis said choked up. Atticus stopped in his tracks. "You will be. I promise. You will come back home. To Ma and Papa and everyone. Don't you worry little brother. Nothing will happen to you." Atticus continued walking after the conversation had ended. Adonis thrusted himself into thea's arms and held on tight. Adonis let his first tear escape after he knew his face was hidden from the public due to Thea's hair.

The first person to reach Thea was Toran. He slowly approached until Thea ran into his arms. "Think about it this way, you never have to worry about the wars again." She whispered. "That doesn't make this any better." He whispered back with tears forming in his eyes. "Someone very wise told me that fear is for fools. I am not afraid." She lied, "and you shouldn't be either." she finished. She broke the hug and wiped his tear. "I need you to do something for me." Toran nodded waiting for a request, " When Adonis gets back, make sure he doesn't blame himself for my death." he said. "but-" Thea interrupted Toran, "No questions just say yes." He shook his head and kissed her forehead. "Good luck Theadosia." He whispered and let her go.

When Thea found her family they  were surrounding  Adonis. Dakari's eyes met with Thea's teary ones. He ran around his family towards his sister. He shoved his sister into his arms while trying to hold on to what she felt like. "It's okay big brother." she whispered then she felt another warm body wrap their arms around her as well. Makani had joined the two of them. Rue watched as her three eldest children soaked in the warm embrace of each other.

Makani finally let go and as did Dakari. Kostas sat there waiting for a turn to hug his sister. Kaias was turned around staring into the empty ballroom.

Thea wraps her arms around her little brother and whispered in his ear, "You keep telling Gaia our stories. The ones about-" "about the Tribus and other sections. I know." He interrupted her. "Don't die please." He said. Thea turned to look at her brother and placed her forehead against his. "Don't let Ma and Pa go down a path they can't come back from. Gaia still needs them." He shook his head with his eyes closed. He knew what she meant.

Thea slowly walked towards Kaias. His face was pale and cold. "Kaias-" "Don't say anything" he interrupted her. So as he wished she did not say anything. Instead she placed her head on his shoulder and stared at the empty ball room with him. "I told him he wouldn't get picked." Kaias said blankly. "Hmm?" Thea questioned. "I told Adonis he wouldn't get picked. I lied." he said. "Kaias you didn't lie. You wouldn't have known. He will be back. He will be." Thea left the conversation alone. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it like there was no tomorrow. In her case,  there might not be a tomorrow.

Thea's toughest goodbye would be to her parents and her youngest sister, who had no idea what was going on.
Anders was holding Gaia in his left arm and his right was wrapped around Rue. Rue's hands were covering her heart as tears flowed down her cheeks. "My baby girl." she said. Thea ran to her mother waiting for her warmth to comfort her. Yet it never did. Anders pulled his wife and daughters into his arms. Anders didn't say a word. Much like his son, he mostly felt anger and when he felt anger nice words did not exist in his mind. "We'll be alright. Both of us. I know everything you've taught me and Adonis learned how to fight like Pa. We'll be back."
"Where are you going?" Gaia asked innocently.
"Adonis and I are going to take a trip for a little bit. We'll be back though. I love you little sister." She said positively. She backed away from her parents to look them in the eyes.

Thea began her goodbyes, She grabbed Gaia head and Gaia's little hand grabbed Thea's. Gently pushed their foreheads together for a final goodbye. No words were spoken, just thoughts.
Thea moved onto her mother and father. Adonis behind her, said goodbye to Gaia.
Thea did the same to Kostas and Kaias. Then she came to the twins. Her first brothers. After she said goodbye to Makani she went to Dakari. Dakari kissed her forehead and whispered something under his breath. Thea realized he whispered a prayer. Dakari does not pray. He never liked to. But in this instance, he felt it was needed.

Thea waited for Adonis to finish. He came beside her and took her hand. "Don't look back." she whispered as they began to walk out of the room.

The Bringing of The Blood WarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon