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The day after the selection, the final queen contenders will fight in a small arena. They will fight to the death and the winner will be the Kings partner.
The rest of the contenders would wait and watch. After the final pair was chosen all 11 pairs will be left in the valley that lies in the middle of all 5 sections.

The people of the sections were not given any updates of the war. The only news they will receive is who is their next King and Queen.

Thea sat against the wall of the empty room. The pairs of children sat together. Some cried and some whispered strategies for the war. Adonis's head laid in Thea's lap as she stroked his hair. Thea could tell he was having a nightmare due to the deathly expression plastered on his face. Yet she did not wake him, knowing he needed the strength.

The creaking door opened. A man walked through with a small piece of paper, "Kara Polvas, Gin Holmes, Diana Tram, Thea Ramsey, Eva Drollan." Five names. Five contenders. It was time for the queens battle.

"I have to go." Thea says while shaking Adonis awake. He sits up dazed and confused. "goodbye little brother. Fight for your life." She whispered as she pressed her forehead against his. Before Adonis realized what was happening Thea had left the room.

The Arena was an Octagon shaped fence. Against the fence were different weapons. An axe hung on the side as well as a sword, knife, dagger and rope. The four girls walked in front of Thea as they were lead inside the fence. Outside of the fence sat the king with his blank stare. Across from him the other contenders entered the room. Thea searched for Adonis, their eyes met, "Don't watch." She said to him. Thea thought of it as cruel for her little brother having watch her either kill or be killed.

A man beside the King began to speak. "Ladies, the battle begins now."
Catching the girls off guard, none of them moved. Each looked at each other with fear.
Thea looked at her brother once again. Instead of seeing his face, all she saw was the back of his head.

The first girl to move was the Tribus contender. She ran for the axe. Then the rest of the girls began to run towards the weapons. Thea on the other hand did not move, Her eyes met Atticus's and she didn't not break contact. Atticus moved his attention towards the fighting girls.

All of them now had weapons except Thea and the Pike girl who was laying on the floor with blood gushing out of her abdomen.

Thea still not moved from her position began to think.
Why even fight? Let This girl just take my life and I'll be at peace.
Her brothers name intruded into her mind.
Thea's eyes flew open.
She decided she would fight. She would fight to make sure Adonis fights.

As the other 3 girls were distracted with fighting each other Thea ran to the weaponry. She had 2 options. Rope or Dagger.
Thea grabbed the dagger and began to join the fight.
The Tribus girl was still fighting strong. The other two girls were weaker. Thea took the dagger and stuck it in between the Vax girls ribs. The girl quit fighting the Tribus girl. Thea moved the dagger up and down to cause enough pain to where the girl couldn't fight. She  then pulled the dagger out and went on to the Kana girl.

By the time Thea was working her way over to her, the Tribus girl has already struck her down. With the Tribus girls back already towards Thea, she took the time to act. Thea ran and grabbed the girls hair. She kicked the back of her knees. The girl immediately fell to the ground. Pulling the girls hair back, the knife in her hand fell to the ground. Thea turned toward the Kings chair.

Atticus's eyes met Thea's as the dagger in her hand slit the girls throat. Blood gushed through the gash and thea released the hair from her grip. The girls lifeless body fell to the floor and people around the arena began to cheer. Atticus and Thea's eye contact never broke. Thea bowed to the King.

Thea turned to the other contenders to see Adonis staring at her. Thea looked around at the fours girls covered in blood as well as herself. Thea dropped the dagger and stared at her hands.

She thought to herself, no child should have to do this just to survive.

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