_: zuko! are you crazy!?

Aang: What are you doing?!

Zuko: Teaching you a lesson!

(He firebends towards the Appa sculpture. Aang looks away before the camera zooms out to show him jumping away from the impact. The stream of fire "cuts" the Appa sculpture in half, destroying it into a pile of sand.

Aang lands a distance away from him. Zuko turns and firebends towards Aang but he misses as Aang jumps onto the cliff. Zuko firebends towards the cliff repeatedly as Aang struggles to run across the uneven surface. Zuko's last blast shatters the top part of the cliff into rubble. Zuko as he runs towards the cliff and proceeds to scale it.

Katara who surfs back to shore.)

Katara: What happened?

Sokka: Zuko's gone crazy! I made a sand sculpture of Suki (tries to pick up the fallen sand to mould the sculpture back into shape) and he destroyed it!.... Oh, and he's attacking Aang.

_: your boyfriend is attacking my boyfriend!

(Suki grabs Sokka and they run back to help Aang.

Aang with Zuko hot on his heel. Zuko firebends at him but Aang jumps out of the way in time. The fire clears and Zuko is still chasing after Aang angrily. a huge rock as Aang runs to the top of it and jumps off before Zuko sends strong blasts of fire at the rock, disintegrating it into pieces. Aang grabs onto the top of a trunk of a nearby tree as Zuko jumps off the rock and somersaults to the bottom.

Zuko landing on the sand with a roll and firebending at the top of the tree. Aang jumps away. the tree has caught fire and Aang lands somewhere on the beach house's roof, out of view. Zuko who jumps onto the beach house's railings as he scales and flips his way to the roof)

Aang: Get a grip before I blast you off this roof!

Zuko: Go ahead and do it!

(He then firebends with his fists and feet one after another. Aang sliding down the roof as jets of fire sets the path he was on alight. Aang reaches the end of the roof and he grabs onto the edge as he swings himself into a nearby room through the window. He slides across the floor on his knees to hide behind a drawer. A huge blast of fire through the roof sends some debris into the room and Zuko lands. He gets into a stance and looks around the room warily. Aang then kicks the drawer towards Zuko. He blocks it by disintegrating the drawer into pieces with a firebending punch.

Cut to the end of the corridor as Aang runs out from the room followed shortly by Zuko. Zuko firebends huge whips and arcs of flame around himself. Cut to Zuko's back view as he sends the tunnel of fire towards Aang. Cut to Aang running away desperately and time slows down as Aang looks back to find himself being slowly engulfed by the fire. Time resumes back to normal as he airbends the fire away, creating a safe space for him to land on without get burnt. Cut to Aang's face as the fire reflects off his eyes.)

Aang: (furiously) Enough!

(He airbends a huge tunnel of air towards Zuko, extinguishing the flames at the same time. Cut to Zuko yelling in surprise as he gets pushed back by the strong air pressure. Cut to the outside of the house as its side gets ripped open by the visible tunnel of wind, throwing out some wooden debris along with Zuko. The sound effects suggests that Zuko is sliding down some tree branches. Cut to the grass as Zuko lands on it and attempts to stand up, grabbing his head and moaning slightly. The others come into screen behind Zuko.)

_: what in the name of agni was that about!?

Katara: What's wrong with you, zuko?! (Aang jumps off the balcony and lands near the group.) You could have hurt Aang.

avatar love story (aang x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon