“Hey.” Someone yelled, I craned my neck and saw Cameron heading towards me, a black motorcycle helmet underneath his toned arms.

“Cameron.” I stated quietly, suddenly feeling extremely embarrassed. Did he remember what had happened yesterday? It wasn’t like he could just forget, yet I prayed that he would pretend that nothing had happened.

“I had a personal matter to attend to,” Cameron paused, and I exhaled in relief.

“Sorry about that incident yesterday.” He added with a grimace; crushing my dreams immediately.

No chance of forgetting the past now, was there? And why did he make that face for? Was the mental image he had of me that bad, he had to grimace?  I gave him a simmering glare in response and stormed away from him.

“Come on Hailey, what are you angry about? The fact I saw you in a towel? Or that I left without saying goodbye?” Cameron called after me loudly.

The whole school stopped in their private conversations and waited for my response, the gossip mill already running. 

“Must you say that out loud?” I hissed at him, grabbing his shirt. “Now everyone’s going to think we have some secret affair together.” I added darkly.

“And what’s wrong with that?” Cameron murmured, so quietly that I wondered if it was all in my imagination.

“What?” I strained my ears.

His eyes remained sinister for a moment, then in a flash they were back to normal. “Show’s over. Go back to class people!” Cameron ordered, clapping his hands demandingly.

The entire student body scattered off immediately to his one command. I glanced at the empty car park in shock, who knew he had so much power? “Who are you exactly?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, my anger was now gone; cynicism taking its place.

Cameron gave me an amused smile before replying; “full name is Cameron Reese, son of Sophia Reese and.....” He hesitated, and his jaw tightened. “I have no father.” He finished, giving me a tense smile.

There was extreme abhorrence in his brown eyes when he stiffly announced the last sentence. My mind traced back to the party at Jackson Miller’s house; the fight and the shocking revelation. So Cameron hated Leo with a passion because Mr Gallagher left his mother, for another woman; also known as Leo’s mom.

My mind cleared and I found the source that was leading to this intense emotional battle between the two. “You are Sophia Reese’s son?” I raised my voice in surprise; deciding to ignore my new found knowledge. There was no use digging up the past, especially if the other person obviously did not want to mention it.

 Cameron nodded, a jaded look appearing on his perfect face.  “You know her?” He asked me intriguingly.

“Yes! I’m Sophia Reese’s number one fan!” I lied, jumping up in fake excitement.

Cameron assessed me curiously with his eyes; “which one of her movies did you watch? He enquired inquisitively.

My brain turned upside down, searching for an answer that would come across believable, but to be honest, the only thing I knew about Sophia Reese; was her past identity as Mr Gallagher’s ex-wife.

“All of them.” I responded, my heart beating anxiously, not wanting to be caught out. Who the hell was I fooling? I had idea, who Sophia Reese was; therefore I also had no clue what movies she starred in.

Cameron’s face wore an expression of confusion; he glanced at me suspiciously, looking like he was about to prod for further information. To my relief, he didn’t. “That’s nice.” He said half-heartedly, granting me one perplexed smile.

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