Chapter 17

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This is my favourite chapter at the moment, =D

Keep on commenting and voting.... xD Thanks!!!!

To my utter complete astonishment, the stall was run by the two maids from home, and not by the theme park workers. How the heck did that happen? The maids were all dressed in the uniform;in an orange FUNPARK T-shirt but I recognised their faces immediately. I gave them a questioning look.

“Hey miss, which one would you like to win?” Rebecca, the brunette maid asked, pointing to the prizes, deliberately ignoring my probing gaze. I glanced at Leo Gallagher and he was looking off to the side disinterestedly, “what is going on?” I enquired perplexedly.

“There weren’t enough people to work the stalls, so I ordered them to come here.” Leo Gallagher shrugged, like it was nothing.

“Was that why you were on the phone before?” I asked him.

Leo Gallagher nodded, and pointed to the soft toys; “even if they’re running it, it’s still a fair game. They have CCTV Video camera’s recording, so you can’t cheat.” He added.

A giant lob of guilt subsided in my stomach. Thank god I didn’t speak my thoughts out loud, “but why are you doing all this?” I said softly.

“Oh,” Leo Gallagher paused, and I was about to reach inside my shirt to delete that picture of him.

“Don’t get your hopes up, I didn’t do this for you, I only brang you here because I was bored.” He finished, once again using an appalling choice of words.

No, I was definitely not going to delete that picture of him now after that.

“I want to aim for the largest brown teddy bear,” I told Rebecca, pointing to the enormous stuffed toy sitting at the top of the shelf.

Leo Gallagher let out a doubtful snort, and in return, I cast a sharp look in his direction.

Rebecca handed me five rings; “your goal is to throw them on the milk bottles, the first row is for this prize,” she paused, pointing to the miniature bouncy balls and key rings.

“The second row is for this prize.” She continued, gesturing to the small teddy bears sitting on the middle shelves.

“And the third row is for the big bear you want.” Rebecca finished, both of our eyes now trained on the enormous stuffed toy.

My eyes sparkled with determination; “okay, let’s do this!” I declared and threw my first ring.

My hand was aching after my twenty fifth throw; I had three key rings, one bouncy ball and one small teddy after all my attempts. A delicate sheen of sweat had tripled itself on Rebecca’s forehead, and she wore a sympathetic expression on her face.

“Another one!” I demanded with an open hand.

 Hesitatingly, she placed a red ring in my palm; “good luck.” She whispered.

I gave her a tight smile and drew my arm back to make the throw, but somebody swiftly snatched the ring out of my hands.

Leo Gallagher rubbed his forehead wearily; “watch and learn, idiot.” He said, and then tossed it.

My jaw fell open as it flew towards the third row of milk bottles, and stilled, then landing on top of the bottle victoriously. 

Rebecca’s dark blue pupils gleamed in admiration; “here you go, young master.” She smiled, plucking the large bear from its position.

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