Chpt 9 • The start of a strange friendship

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I started on 10/04/2023 8:44/AM at school waiting for the bell to ring :3

I also lost my earphones and I'm using my brother's last remaining one, the other one got eaten like literally. So I'm suffering with my single earphone on the verge of a breakdown when school didn't even start yet X3





H0mo thoughts


(Ink's POV)

 Once the portal is complet I just jump in. The first thing I see is the papyrus snowman without it's head. Now I can tell this is a genocide route, this one seems special. The scarf thats usually placed by the sans of the universe wasn't present. There wasn't anything, I continue walking and with my guards up I stare around to make sure theres was no monsters around to attack me. I arrive to snowdin after getting out of the forest and see no blue strings, this was a good sign that this wasn't getting destroyed. All I see is damage that could have been done by a regular sans or player. I arrive at the main part of snowdin and I see the Sans of this AU. I look back at the AU's code and I see a new entity that isn't supposed to be here. But now the AU had a name, DustTale. I hide behind some bushes that wasn't destroyed by what I can see bones. The Sans must have gone insane to do such things. I see the same glitch portal that Error saumons to travel. I see the glitched skeleton arrive in front of the insane hooded anomaly.  That corrupted skeleton was very pretty and handsome for a destroyer. I MEAN.... He made my job harder earlier and was weirdly staring, so rude. I don't forgive him yet but maybe if I befriend him again I can help him!! Maybe I was lost in my umh.... idk but now they are fighting oh noooooo. I mean Error seems to be dodging more than fighting but thats weird. Normally he would have killed that skeleton since they seem to be weaker. Then I see the skeleton with a hood stop. I've seen in the code that his name might be Dust/Murder. Weird name for an insane skeleton ahah!!
Oh oh....

Error's POV

I hear some notices in the background but I just believe that it's the snow that's always there. I know that's just gaslighting myself cuz no way snow is that heavy to do noises but yeah. I don't think this cute anomaly is around. I destroyed an AU before coming tho this one. So it's guaranteed that he ain't coming here. I should stop thinking and dodge those attacks from the psyco in front of me. After a while I tied him with my strings, I can finally talk with him geez. (Pretend they had a convo idk, Error invited Murder/Dust to a gang you'll know which if ur in the fandom tbh) I am mid talk with Murderer and I hear a laugh coming from the bushes. I shoot with my blasters and I see a figure jump out and land so gracfuly. There was only one person I knew could do this. It's INK! I can see him look at both of us with his big smile, his smile is cute but he always has it on his face even when fighting. Does he even feel negtavive emotions?? 
I see him walking towards us then stops and says -"Oh come on, this isn't how you treat guests don't you?" It was weird, he said it with a tone that gave me chills. I release the other skeleton, I can see him charge at Ink. It kinda pains me since his beautiful fitures might get damaged but he looks pretty even with injuries. UGH WHY DO I KEEP THINKING LIKE THAT. I am the destroyer, I cannot afford to feel love for my complet opposite. I could have barely gotten out of my thoughts and I can feel this artist running at me with that terrefiying smile and those red and violet target pupils. He always has those when he fights. I must stop thinking about his features and fight back.

No one's POV but 3rd POV 

Ink charges at the destroyer without any other thoughts. He takes control of his soul and throws him at a tree next to where that other skeleton was tied to passed out. But Error has more expeirience fighting so this hit didn't take him out. He gets up and looks at the artist. Ink had left the control of his soul and had a blaster ready. Glitch on the other hand was charging straight at the ink skeleton and had only one plan,it was to pin him down to tie him like he did with that Dust. Ink dodged the taller monster and shot him with the gaster blaster. he quickly passed out like that Murderer dude. He might be short but his physical abilities aren't bad, he picks up the knocked out Error and ties him up close with the hooded figure. The opens an ink portal to send them to the Anti-Void. Ink saumons broomie and splashes black paint under the knocked out monsters. A few seconds after the portal is complete and the fall in. Ink doesn't check if the portal was right or wrong. Then leaves the AU to the doodle sphere.


I just sent those idiots to the Anti-Void, I mean I think I did. Do I feel like I sent them to the wrong dimension. But this isn't my problem right now, I need to go back to make sure no AU was destroyed before hand. I saumon a portal that lead to my dimension, tbh I would investiagate whatever umh... I can't remember but yeah whataver happened before that I can't recall anything. But now what was I supposed to do? Idk but theres a portal in front of me I should use it maybe. I jump into the black puddle and arrive at the doodle sphere. This place always looks weirdly familiar each time but still seems peacful. Peace is hard to get now, I've been there for centuries and yet not a lot surprises me anymore.  I forget most of them anyway lol!!! I don't remember my age it's been so long. I know my birthday tho its written on Broomie. Now that I look around I see an AU that seems a little bit destroyed. I look at the AU name and makes a portal to it. Once I'm at the AU I see someone new, they are oddly familiar. Oh no.. It's _____


I found my earphones again they somehow survived in the washing machines. Weird and magic tbh Also ty to my husband who "always" reads my stories on time

I just finished this one on Oct 10 22:08/10:08 PM in my bed and on my school chrome cuz my PC is updating smh.

Good night see you next chapter :3

The meeting of one another. !!ErrorInk!!Where stories live. Discover now