Sozin: (nudging Roku) Say something to her.

(Roku walks after the young woman. He raises his hand and attempts to greet her.)

Roku: Uh...ahhh.

(Embarrassed, and overcome by her presence, Roku sighs and puts his hands on his head and falls back onto the ground. Sozin sits down next to him and sprinkle's blades of grass onto Roku's face. Roku _ aand Aang can now be seen in the back, watching Roku's history unfold. The camera closes in on Aang and Roku.)

Roku: Love is hard when you're young.

Aang: You don't have to tell me.

_: im right here aang.

Roku: (puts his hand on Aang's shoulder) Don't worry, It gets better. Now come with me. We have a party to attend. (Cut to a lovely outdoor celebration in a courtyard. Cheerful golden lanterns are strung above a large crowd of Fire Nation citizens. The camera pans down, and we see a large staircase with two figures standing at the top.)

Aang: Wait, whose party is it?

Roku: Sozin and I shared many things, including a birthday.

(Roku and Prince Sozin at the top of the stairs. As they walk down the stairs, two young women in the crowd. One of them is Roku's love interest. She watches Roku, then looks down and blushes. Her friend leans over her shoulder and giggles. Roku has noticed the young woman's interest and blushes while he continues down the stairs. Distracted, Roku begins to fall down the stairs. Sozin acts quickly and grabs Roku by the hand, saving him from falling. Roku, composes himself, and blushes again from embarrassment. Sozin laughs at his love smitten friend. The moment ends quickly, as the crowd suddenly grows quiet. A group of Fire Nation Sages have entered the courtyard. They are walking toward Prince Sozin and Roku. Sozin hurries down the stairs to meet them.)

Sozin: (concerned) Did something happen to my father?

Fire Nation Sage: No, Prince Sozin. We are not here for you. We are here to announce the identity of the next Avatar. (The guests are no longer quiet as whispers travel through the crowd. Cut to Roku and Sozin, both in shock. Cut again to a close up of the sages. The Sages make the announcement, and they bow to respect the new Avatar.) It is our honor to serve you, Avatar Roku.

(Roku, standing with his jaw dropped, in disbelief. the crowd on the ground, all bowing. Sozin, who is still in shock himself, looks around at the crowd. Then he quickly turns to kneel before Roku. The scene slows fades and ends with Roku still standing at the top of the stairs.)

Zuko's close up, to a close up of Roku, sitting in his room. He is staring down towards the floor.)

Sozin: (narrates) Soon the day came when my friend Roku had to leave the Fire Nation and face his destiny as the Avatar. He needed to travel the world so he could master the other elements.

(Sozin appears in the doorway of Roku's room.)

Sozin: (leaning against the door frame) Hey, why aren't you packed yet, all-powerful Avatar?

(Roku doesn't move, and continues to stare. The camera focuses on Sozin's face. Sozin looks down, he sympathizes with is friend. Suddenly, Sozin's face perks up.)

Sozin: (smiling) Come on, show me how it's done...(Cut to another view of Roku's room. Sozin leaps in the shot, attempting to demonstrate examples of all the bending disciplines.) using all four kinds of bending. (Sozin ends his routine with a cheerful smile. Cut to an overhead view of Roku sitting on his bed. The camera closes in on him slowly as he speaks.)

Roku: (depressed) I started packing, but then the fire sages told me I won't need any worldly possessions anymore. (Cut to Sozin, who loses his smile, and sits down beside his friend.)

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