"Well shit."

Taehyung started laughing. He knew Seokjin would never be able to hold his bladder long enough in the maze. To him, just the thought was funny.

"Yah! This isn't funny." Seokjin scolded, ears turning red. That of course caused another round of teasing from the members.

"There might be one in the barn." Jimin suggested after calming down a little. "Unless it's locked."

"You better hope we make it out of the maze quickly." Jungkook said to Jin with a laugh. "It might not be that easy though."

Hoseok closed his eyes for a moment. He was paired with Yoongi and he knew his hyung would protect him to the best of his abilities, but there was only so much Yoongi could do.

"We're here." the staff member announced, thankful to get out of the van and not have to sit with seven babies anymore. He quickly dropped them off and drove home–another staff member could drive the members back to the dorms.

The maze would have certainly been beautiful, had Hoseok not known what awaited him. He squeezed Yoongi's hand, maybe in an attempt to reassure himself that he wouldn't get scared.

Yeah, he was delusional.

He pretended to listen to the Run! director as he read out the instructions. He knew what they were doing, it was kind of self-explanatory–they just had to make it out of the maze and the first team to make it out would get a coupon for a chicken restaurant near their dorms. The chicken did sound pretty good.

He found out in addition to being paired with Yoongi, Namjoon would be joining their gally gaggle of gays. How fun. He loved their leader, but he was just soooo clumsy that he envisioned this episode going very wrong. He hoped Namjoon wouldn't trip over a shoelace or something and get caught in the hedges again, because that would be quite unfortunate and last time, it was only him and Namjoon and there wasn't any Yoongi to help him, which made him vow to never group with Namjoon in anything physical.


The teams of Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin, and Seokjin and Jungkook set off into the maze, quickly dividing to run with their teams. Already, Namjoon had tripped over his own foot and tumbled into Hoseok, who tried to steady himself by holding onto Yoongi.

This was going to be fun.


"I haven't seen anything scary yet." Yoongi commented as they walked down the path of the maze. There was no doubt that Taehyung and Jimin had most likely already gotten lost, and Jin and Jungkook were an unpredictable duo, so who knew what would happen.

Hoseok squinted as he saw something flash through the corn. Maybe it was Jungkook and his red shirt. Or maybe Jimin with his newly dyed red hair. That must be it.

He saw a balloon slowly float up to the sky. Immediately, Hoseok felt a chill down his spine. "H-hyung?" He murmured, pulling on Namjoon's sleeve a little bit.

Namjoon looked down to meet Hoseok's eyes. "Seok-ah? What's wrong?"

This had caught Yoongi's attention now, and he looked over to the leader and the maknae. "What are you two doing?" He and Namjoon turned to where Hoseok was looking.

It hit Hoseok then. "It's from the movie Kookie-hyung made us watch! Uhhh the one ... with the clown in the sewers! He bit the kid's arm off."

Through the corn, a smiling red and white face peeked out. Hoseok screamed and ran straight, running deeper into the maze, Yoongi and Namjoon hot on his tail, running from the clown and also trying to catch the youngest, who was easily the fastest out of the three of them. It was hard to catch the maknae when he was in flight mode.

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