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Request by Hobiiiiiii!

"I'm sorry, we're what?!"

The poor staff member in charge of telling Hoseok what the next Run! BTS episode would be cowered behind his clipboard. It wasn't that Hoseok was scary, per say, seeing as he was short and doe-eyed, he was just eccentric and quite special.

"It's a haunted corn maze ..." the staff member finished, bowing and scurrying off.

Hoseok frowned and slumped onto the ground. Every time they shot a Run! episode, he was always getting scared. He didn't want any of his hyungs to have any more blackmail material on him, that was too embarrassing. They already had enough as it is, and he didn't need to see the group chat to know what was going to happen if he got scared again.

He woke up the next evening (because a haunted corn maze had to take place at night, according to Jungkook), after a fitful nap, in which he kept getting scared of the shadows from his Kaws figurines even though they had distinctive shapes and he could easily tell what it was. Maybe he was a little scared. He knew Jimin knew he was scared, as Jimin told him that afternoon that he had started to scream bloody murder around three o'clock.

"Don't worry, Seokie." Jin said, trying to reassure him at dinner. The eldest set a plate of tater tots in front of him, something to try and calm the maknae down. Hoseok only frowned as he stabbed a tot with his fork in an attempt to be fancy so he wouldn't be grouped with his two youngest hyungs. Taehyung and Jungkook were seated to his right, having a competition to see who could fit more tots in their mouths. It seemed like Taehyung was winning at the moment, but only out of pure stupidity. "I'm a little nervous too since I'm paired with Kook and I know he'll stop at nothing to make sure my soul leaves my body multiple times this episode."

The sound of a knock on the front door made Hoseok look up from his half-empty plate of tater tots. Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook didn't look bothered, so Hoseok turned back to his plate.

"Hoseok ..." a voice from the other side of the door whispered, wavering a little. Hoseok let out a yelp and hid under his chair as the door opened, frowning and grumbling when he saw that it was only Jimin.

"Jimin-hyung," Hoseok whined, "stop trying to scare me!"

Jimin looked at him. "I'm not trying to scare you. I was gonna ask you to grab my sunscreen. I forgot it in our room." Then, he continued with, "Maybe you're a little too on edge."

The maknae frowned. "I'm fine, hyung. You at the door is a perfectly normal reason to panic since you're so scary."

Jimin's cheeks puffed out cutely as he hit the top of Hoseok's head. "Take that back, fetus!"

"Van is here." Yoongi announced, yawning as he walked past the kitchen, where Taehyung and Jungkook had started arguing with Jin only fueling the fire. Namjoon was (for good reason) not in any of the conversations, most likely watering the plants in his room or apologizing to their neighbors again for the noise.

The six inside the dorms headed outside to where the company's van was parked. Namjoon headed over to them as they were getting in. "Good news, Choi-ssi isn't going to complain to someone about us again! She said it's a waste of time and she's moving down a few houses!"

The staff member driving the van deadpanned. He wasn't paid enough for this.

Hoseok climbed into the middle seat between Yoongi and Jungkook. Both of them were warm to be sitting between, and he was content. He rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder, and his hyung wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"How far is the ride?" Jin complained from the middle row of the van. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Hyung," Namjoon started, "we're going to a corn maze. There's no bathroom."

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