On Set

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"Hyung, hyung!"

Taehyung groaned as he was met with a knee to the stomach. Definitely not the best way to wake up. But a happy Hobi meant a happy BTS.

"Wh't happened?" he asked with a groan, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Is it already nine?"

"No. But Namjoonie-hyung said to ask you if I can go to set with you today."

Taehyung smiled. Hoseok had been begging him for days to let him come to set with him ever since he had been cast for a role in a drama. He suspected that Hoseok really just wanted to see his co-stars, but ... who wouldn't fawn over Choi Woo-shik?

"I think it'll be okay, you can come."

He gave a small chuckle at the loud exclamation of joy that came out of Hoseok's mouth, watching as the maknae's smile took up most of his face. Making Hobi happy was one of life's greatest pleasures.

"Go tell Namjoonie, though. Make sure there's nothing on your schedule for today first."

Hoseok nodded and hurried out of the room. Taehyung sighed and willed himself to roll out of bed. He picked up his phone and texted the director that he was bringing someone to set.

Hoseok came back to the room shortly. "I don't have anything! I can go!" He grinned, showing his excitement through his heart-shaped smile.

Thankfully they wouldn't be on set for too long, as Taehyung didn't have a large role, playing an unsuspecting traffic cop in a comedic death. His appearance in the drama was more of a cameo appearance, as he wasn't an "actor" and more of a performer.

"I'm excited to see Woo-Shik hyung!" Hoseok exclaimed, happily kicking his feet into the side of the bed.

Taehyung smiled. Seeing his maknae happy was all that he wanted to do.

"Go get dressed and eat breakfast, I'll be getting ready to leave. Be ready to go in about an hour, Hobihobi."

Hoseok nodded with a grin and hurried off.


 The director had immediately agreed that morning when Taehyung had texted him for Hoseok to come to set. He had a sneaking suspicion that it was because the director's young daughter was in love with BTS and was going to ask Hoseok for about a thousand autographs but hey, a win's a win.

Hoseok walked in awe of the set. Taehyung really only had to be on set for about an hour or two, but he enjoyed hanging out with the other actors. As the unsuspecting traffic cop, he really had to only act out his quick death scene and a couple of lines. His role was more of a ... comedic timing.

"Woo-shik-hyung's over there!" Hoseok whisper-screamed into Taehyung's ear. "Should I say something? Does he know I exist?"

Taehyung laughed. "Of course he knows you exist, he came over for dinner last weekend."

"But he and I didn't even talk last weekend." Hoseok whined, lips making a pouty triangle shape. "We didn't even make eye contact!"

"Go talk to him, then. Maybe he'll take you hiking or fishing during the week or something."

At that, Hoseok's eyes widened. He would totally want to go hiking with Woo-shik. It was likely he would embarrass himself and Woo-shik would never want to see him again, but it was worth a shot. He nodded to his hyung and set off towards Woo-shik, who was chatting with one of the other actors.

On his way over, he bumped into a tall male. As the male was around a half foot taller than he was, Hoseok was the one to fall over. He fell onto his bottom, yelping as he met the floor. At least it was clean.

"S-sorry!" Hoseok exclaimed with a bow once he had pulled himself off the floor. He looked up and met the eyes of Park. Seo. Jun.

Holy shit.

Hoseok felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he ran off to Taehyung with a little scream, leaving poor Seo-jun so confused.

"Hyung, help!"

Taehyung looked up, alert. Was that Hoseok calling for him? What if his troublesome maknae got into ... well, trouble? "Seok? Where are you?"

Hoseok hurried over to his hyung, panting a little from his mad dash across set. "I embarrassed myself!"

Taehyung ruffled the maknae's hair. "It can't have been that bad. What happened and who with?"

"Seo-jun hyung, and I ran into him!" Hoseok cried, burying his face in his hands. "Ohhh, my life is over."

Taehyung let out a breathy laugh. Hoseok usually wasn't this much of a mess usually but when he was, it was always so endearing. "Seok, it probably wasn't even embarrassing. Plus, you know him so it's okay. We all went bowling together last month and I don't think Seo-jun hyung has seen anything more embarrassing than Namjoon-hyung nearly sliding down the lane."

The maknae buried his face in his hands. "I can't do this anymore, I never should have come! There's too many famous people!"

Taehyung grunted. "You live with famous people and you are one yourself, you should be used to this by now, we've been idols for six years now!"

"I know," Hoseok whined, "but that's different. You guys aren't normal and we're unprofessional most of the time! Everyone here acts professional!"

He opened his mouth to argue, but shut it. Hoseok had a point here.

"Woo-shik hyung isn't that normal, you can go talk to him, it'll be okay!"

Hoseok huffed, but ultimately got up to try talking to Woo-shik. He could do this.

Woo-shik saw him walking over. "Hi Hoseok-ah!"

Oh my God, he knows who I am!

Hoseok opened his mouth to respond, but the only thing that popped out was a high-pitched squeak. Embarrassed, he covered his mouth and ran back over to Taehyung, hiding behind his taller hyung, leaving an unsuspecting Woo-shik in the corner to question everything that had just happened.

Taehyung placed a hand on the maknae's back and rubbed soothing circles. He'd never hear the end of it if he returned Hoseok home all worked up. "It's okay, honey. You don't have to be so anxious."

"I'm sorry, hyung. I can't really help it!"

At that moment, Woo-shik walked over holding a plate with a slice of pizza on it. "H-Hi? Am I interrupting?"

Hoseok looked up and shook his head so hard, Taehyung worried that he would get whiplash. "N-no! You're fine, don't worry about it!"

Woo-shik held out the arm carrying the pizza towards Hoseok. "Would you like it? I always buy pizza when people want takeout and they never appreciate it. They always want kimchi jjigae or something, not that it's not good, but who wouldn't want pizza?"

Hoseok took the pizza with a bow and stuffed it into his mouth, making Taehyung and Woo-shik exclaim in horror as he nearly choked. Thankfully, Woo-shik was quick in grabbing water for the youngest.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked worriedly, silently praying that no one would mention that Hoseok nearly choked under his watch to any of the members, or else he knew who would be sleeping outside of the BigHit building.

Hoseok nodded wordlessly. He was too busy staring at Woo-shik to say anything to Taehyung.

Woo-shik pat the youngest on the back. "I gotta get back to filming now, but maybe we can go snowboarding one day?" He walked away with a wave.

Hoseok nodded, his smile returning, previous fears forgotten. "Let's go next weekend!"

"Hobi, it's the middle of summer." Taehyung deadpanned. "And you don't even know how to snowboard."

"Damn it."

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