"Fine," Rain huffs, "But don't blame me for missing class."

"I will get notes and our homework from Sig or Ple." Sky says.

While they wait at the clinic, Rain sends a text to P'Phayu to let him know he isn't feeling well and that he is with Sky at the clinic off campus. He knows his boyfriend is in classes all morning and probably won't even see his message until lunch.

Rain looks through pictures of him and P'Phayu, posting a few to his social media account while Sky reads a manga on his phone. Occasionally Rain comes across one really cute and he forces Sky to look at it too.

Finally Sky says, "Seriously, Rain, I know what P'Phayu looks like, you don't have to keep showing me pictures."

"You're mean," Rain sulks.

"That's right, I am." Sky says.

Rain is just about to argue more when the nurse calls him back. He gives Sky a scared look.

"I will wait for you out here." Sky says.

The nurse takes Rain back and checks his vitals, while she asks about his symptoms. She notes everything down on an electronic tablet then leaves him in a room to wait for the doctor.

The doctor is a woman about his mother's age. She gives him a kind smile as she walks into the room.

"Well let's see what's going on, shall we?" She says as she looks over the tablet the nurse left.

"Nausea and feeling a little dizzy?" She asks. Rain nods.

"Okay I am going to ask you some questions and please be honest with me." She says. Some of the questions are about what he usually eats and drinks and if he has made any changes recently. Others are more embarrassing like when she asks about his sex life and if he and his boyfriend use contraceptives. Rain blushes but answers her honestly.

Then she asks when his last heat was. Rain frowns at this question and pulls out his phone to check his app. It should have been two weeks ago. He tells the doctor that and she nods as if that is what she expected.

"I just want to do some quick lab work. It's just down the hall. You probably know the routine, pee in a cup, take a little blood, nothing much. You aren't scared of needles, are you?" She asks.

"No, ma'am." Rain answers.

"That's good then." She writes some instructions on a piece of paper and hands it to him. "Take this to the window down the hall. They will set up your tests. When you are finished, they will send you back here if you want to leave your things."

Rain leaves his phone and bag and goes down for the tests. Once they are done he returns to the room and waits nervously. He notices there is a text from P'Phayu asking if he is okay and saying that he will meet Rain at his house unless Rain wants him to come to the clinic.

Rain texts him back that he is fine and almost done. He will see P'Phayu this afternoon.

He is just putting down his phone when the doctor comes back in.

"Well, dear, I have your results. It turns out you are pregnant." She says.

Rain feels his mouth drop open in shock. "I can't be, that's impossible. I am on birth control, and we always use a condom." But is that true? Rain's mind drifts back to the blur a few weeks ago that was P'Phayu's rut. They hadn't been that careful then, but could Rain be that unlucky? Apparently so.

"I don't know what to tell you. Nothing is ever a hundred percent effective." She says. "I will give you a prescription for prenatal vitamins and something to help with the morning sickness. Ginger tea can also help. You will also need to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound."

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