Every single minute of this interview counts and if I fuck this up, it means I'll be unemployed and I won't be able to get my dad to surgery. There's a lot at stake.

"I'm interviewing with a few other firms in the city. I've come to admire many of the buildings in the Haleamp area and seeing that this firm is located in the Strifeheld district, it's fairly close as it works in an impressive number of sectors. The healthcare buildings such as the cosmetic dentistry and commercial building sectors are the ones that appeal the most to me. Additionally, my passion for different types of buildings lies in alignment with your firm' purpose, so I would like to think that I can contribute in my own way. I have experience using various software such as AutoCAD and I am confident in my capabilities to excel in this position." I'm speaking so quickly, my throat gets dry and a cough gets trapped somewhere in my windpipe and I'm scared that I'll cough out like an old man and at the same time puke and pee myself altogether.

"I see. Well then in that case, if you have any more questions you can email me." The manager nods along as he gets up, collecting his notepad. He heads toward the door and just as the thought that I've fucked up crosses my mind, he holds it open and with a smile he says, "Would you like a tour of the firm?"

"I don't want to jinx it Oli, but the only thing I'll tell you is that the interview felt like a conversation and even though I wanted to shit and piss myself from the anxiety, I also felt comfortable y'know?" I take a sip from the wine his girlfriend Margot offered me earlier. "The manager was really nice and he told me that he'd let me know in a few days, but you know how this goes. Expect an answer in two weeks or never. Is this Rose?" I ask, looking at Margot and she nods.

"Well, I'm happy you got it." She says sweetly. "And yes, it's Henriot."

"Let's not jump into any conclusions yet." I take another large sip from my drink to calm my nerves. "Oh, I feel expensive drinking this!"

After my interview, I agreed to meet up with Oli at his house to hang out with his dog and his girlfriend and I'd finally get the chance to spend some more time with my old friend Mia from high school. I've only seen her once when we hung out at the beach, but that didn't last very long since I took off with Yoongi shortly after, abandoning all of my friends at the bonfire.

He didn't deserve my time, I think to myself. I would have never given it to him if it all ended up coming full circle. It's unbearable as ever living with him yet again. Which is why I'm hanging out with Oli and Margot instead of relaxing at home. Just as I thought he was breathing air into my lungs, I came to find that he's sucking it out of me like he always does with his presence.

"And she's already tipsy." Oliver mutters. "Take it easy, you don't want to get shitfaced like you did back at the beach when we lost you. Which begs the question. Where in the world did you run off to?"

"Relax, it's not like I live ten miles away and I have to drive."

"Well, you don't want to collapse before Mia arrives."

"I'm pretty sure Mia would approve of what I'm doing." I mumble taking a bite from some cheddar cheese Oliver had put out on a charcuterie board. My mouth waters at the sight of all the kinds of cheeses starting from gouda, cheddar, Greek feta, the almonds and fruit on the side along with crackers and pretzels and a variety of goodies he dug up from his fridge and cabinet. "If I were a cheese I'd be cheddar." I declare.

"Why does that somehow make sense?" Oliver mutters from the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm also curious. Where did you go on the 4th of July?" Margot asks me. "Everyone got worried. Including those friends you brought along with you."

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