40 - Tension (Kieran)

Começar do início

As more traffic zoomed on the opposite side of the house, she stirred, and her gaze met his. She wiped her eyes and yawned, covering it with the back of her hand. He found it adorable.

"Good morning, Nomes."

"Morning. Did you sleep okay?"

He nodded and ran a finger through her hair. "I could get used to this."

She smiled and bit her bottom lip. "Me too." She glanced at the comforter. "I didn't steal all the blankets, did I?"

He shook his head. "You're a blanket thief?"

"I often wake up in cocoons."

He chuckled as he could picture it. Of course, his overeager mind placed her in his bed in his imagination. "Maybe I'm warm enough you don't need one."

"That or the overnight 'low' of 24 degrees. Supposed to be hot again today."

"What a shame. We'll need to spend the day at the lake. Any other aquatic competitions I can beat you at?" He raised his eyebrows teasingly.

"That was beginner's luck."

"Nah, I've mastered the art of sitting still, and you're far too jumpy. It's cute that you think you have a chance next year."

She half glared and pouted, which only made her more adorable, and he put an arm around her waist to pull her closer.

"Is this okay?"

She nodded and rested her forehead against his. "Is it okay for you?"

"This will always be good with me."

She smiled but chewed on her lip. "I meant we shared a tent and nothing more."

He stroked her cheek. "This is much more than nothing." She closed her eyes and relaxed. "Did you want to talk about intimacy? We've discussed it a bit, but openness will make it easier."

Although she agreed, she tensed a little.

"This changes nothing about us being a couple. It's meant to help us both to know what to expect. I already said I was fine with sex off the table."

"But do you want that? It must bug you."

"Sex with you would only feel good if you wanted it too."

"So it would never feel good because I don't have that desire?" Her bottom lip curled into her mouth as she bit it.

"Not necessarily. Sexual desire isn't the only reason people want to have sex. Sometimes it's curiosity or to feel closer to their partners. But don't feel pressured to do that for me."

Naomi laughed. "Curiosity can be hit or miss." She seemed to be deflecting. He should have started in the intimacy shallow end not cannonballed right into deep water.

"What are your favourite romantic moments to share with someone?"

She shifted until she lay on her back, staring at the tent's ceiling. "It sounds silly, but it's this. Snuggling, hugging, holding hands. I've tried a lot of the other stuff you would love, but I'm the most relaxed and happiest in moments like this. The rest doesn't feel bad, and a lot of it I don't mind doing later in the relationship and enjoy a bit, but it's not this good. What about you?"

"Kissing you is amazing, and so is this. I forgot how I miss waking up next to someone. It's wonderful."

"Me too. How long has it been for you?"

He would not count women he'd only hooked up with. Occasionally they'd stick around, but most had no interest in dating him long term.

"Three years, and you?"

A Different SliceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora