40 - Tension (Kieran)

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"Dog," Kieran blurted out but caught himself, "Shit, that's not a zoo animal. I mean zebra!"

Peter hadn't named a crime novelist, so Kieran won the card. Naomi had dominated the game when she played, but she was still out.

"Anyone need a refill?" Jodie held up her fingerprint-stained wine glass with the tiniest trace of red.

"I'll come. My legs are falling asleep." Kieran stood up and stretched his back.

"Are we still playing?" Peter asked.

She and Kieran glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Where do you think Naomi went?" he asked Jodie as she walked to the kitchen.

"I would guess the beach, but she might have gone for a jog."

"At midnight?"

The cabernet sauvignon swirled as it entered her glass. "She says it helps her think through things."

What would she have to worry about? She'd seemed so happy all day, and they were so close. Was she having regrets? Should he have kept his distance when she was just in a bikini? What if she was freaking out about their sleeping situation?

He stroked his coarse beard. "Should I search for her?"

Jodie wandered to the front of the house and peered out the living room window. "Nah, I see someone coming from the beach. She looks tall enough to be Nomi."

He joined Jodie at the window as she sipped her wine.

"Do you think I upset her at all?"

"This place has many memories. It belonged to our grandparents before Peter and I took it over."

"Oh," his tone dropped. "Are they alright?"

"Yes, they moved into assisted living together, although Grandpa's memory isn't what it used to be. You could talk to her once she returns. You always cheer her up."

Would that be the case tonight? It might not be if he caused her worries. Kieran took his time cleaning the cards with Peter and washing his wine glass, so he didn't rush her. But she still hadn't come into the house, which concerned him.

When he gave up waiting and stepped into the backyard, she sat on a lawn chair, gazing at the night sky.

"Hey, Nomes, how was your walk?"

It took her a few seconds to look in his direction, and she wore a tired expression. "It was alright."

"Worried about anything?"

She shook her head.

"Not our sleeping situation?" Kieran probed further. 

"Do you yell in your sleep or thrash around or something?"

He chuckled, relieved she expressed no fears about being pressured sexually. "No, do you?"

"Not that I've been told about."

"Did you go down to the beach?"

Naomi nodded, still silent, which seemed odd as she was keen to share about the town earlier. He chalked it up to tiredness, and they got ready for bed. Once they'd settled into their nest of a sleeping bag base and comforter cover, she ran her hand over his beard and stared at him like she wanted to say something. Instead, she kissed him softly and wished him a good night.

In the morning, he found her snuggled against him, basking in the gentle sunlight filtered through the tent's green walls. His fingers ached to trace the side of her face and to play with her hair, but he didn't want to disturb her peace. Comfort spread throughout him with each inhalation. Sleeping beside someone who cared about him, and who'd enjoy seeing him again, was a welcome sensation.

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