-Fate//Part 2-

491 29 3

He has a girlfriend?"

*You start reading the news*


Today Jeon Jungkook was seen with
an unknown female in public, a taxi driver confirmed that he drove him and a woman near Jungkook's house. According to him, Jungkook was apparently drunk. However, many fans suspect that there is a mix-up and it is a bad rumor but there are pictures that clearly show that Jeon Jungkook has been seen with a woman. Now fans assume that he is in a secret relationship and the woman is his girlfriend.



*You scroll down and there you see the pictures showing Jungkook and the so-called unknown woman, who turns out to be you..But you can't really be recognized because the photo is of poor quality*

"No no no no...
That's a bad joke right!"

*What should I do now? How should I explain this? I'm at the end.
What If someone finds out that I'm that person. I'm going to lose my job.This can't be...please, this can't really be..What if the others see this?*

-This and many other thoughts were running through my mind as I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown when someone suddenly called me-

*You answer the call without looking who it is*


?:Y/N where are you?

"Huh at home..Wait, who are you?"

?:It's me Jimin..
Have you seen it too?

"If you mean the news that claims I could be Jk's girlfriend then yes"

*Well, I didn't think anyone would notice so quickly*

Jm:So they aren't true?

"Of course not!"

Jm:Then how could it come to this?

"I don't know exactly either..I will lose everything"

What is the problem?

-You laugh in pain-

"Are you serious?
They're going to fire me because of these fake rumors..
I won't be allowed to have any contact with you all anymore, you guys are the only thing that's made me happy if I'm being honest you seven are the reason why I could laugh again..
And you really wonder what my problem is... I'm not perfect and never will be I am me and that's the problem.
-You take a deep breath-
and on top of that I'm losing my apartment.. it seems like fate doesn't want me to be happy, I don't want that anymore, I don't want to exist anymore
-you start to cry-
why is life so unfair, Jimin? Why..."

Jm: Y/n..
don't say that kind of shit
-he whispered-


-I try to cry quieter to understand what he is telling me-


-he hangs up-

*Now what the hell does that mean?..*

-You take a deep breath to refocus and remove your tears-

*Should I really go to Jimin now?*

-You stare at the blank wall in front of you for 5 minutes-

*No, I won't go to him, I just can't do it, I don't want to talk about this topic anymore, it's all too much for me right now...*

-You wrote Jimin a similar message that you won't come to him..and then you fell asleep in your bed with tears in your eyes-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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