-Fate//Part 1-

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-It's been two months since you met BTS and you've become really good friends with them, they take care of you and you've started meeting them outside of work-

(At work)

Hobi: Y/n, what do you think if we all go out to eat together afterwards?

"That sounds great, but unfortunately I have to cancel.."

Hobi: oh I see but why?

"I'm stressed right now, because it could be that my apartment is taken away from me"

Jm:What do you mean by that?

"The landlord has found a new buyer who pays him more than I do, and that's why he's trying to get rid of me"

Nj:That doesn't sound good at all

"The problem is, if he really kicks me out, I won't be able to find a new apartment nearby anytime soon because the apartments in the area are extremely difficult to get"

Yoongi:Hopefully you can keep the apartment

"I hope so.."

(At your home)

You see a note on your door that says: "you have to leave your apartment in the next two weeks, we will end your rental contract"

"Are they kidding me!! I'm supposed to be out of here in fucking two weeks.. How am I supposed to do that?"

-You take the note from your door and throw it away

You start researching the internet for apartments nearby, but you can't find what you're looking for-

" SHIT!!"

*I have a big problem right now, how am I supposed to always get to work on time when the next available apartment is two and a half hours away?*

-Suddenly you are called by a person-

"Huh..Who is this? "

-You're looking at your phone-

"It's Jungkook"

*Did something happen? *

-You answer the call-

"Hey Kookie"

Jk:Y/n I.. haVe to.. To tell you sometHIng

"Has anything happened? Are you drunk!! "

Jk:but onLy..a litTlee bit -He hiccups-

"Aha.." -You can hear that he is extremely drunk-

Jk:I..I.. need yoUrr help..

"At what? "

Jk:Can youu..pick me Upp? I gOt lost.

"You got what!! ..
What do you see around you?"

Jk:A greeeen hoUse..

"You see a green house? "


*I don't know any green houses*

"What house are you talking about Kookie? "

Jk:The green oNe...-hiccups-
Wait, I'll sEnd youu a pictuRe

-hiccups-Wait, I'll sEnd youu a pictuRe

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