4. The Proposition

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"Crystal," Percy nodded

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"Crystal," Percy nodded. Regret already crept through him. What had he gotten himself into?



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Under ordinary circumstances, Percy would have never considered Luke's proposition. He wouldn't have even taken the centurions meeting.
But he was in a precarious position. He'd turned against his praetors, and they would no doubt seek revenge. He was a lowly probatio, having no rank or even barrack to protect him from their wrath or resources to protect his family.

Percy wanted to hate himself for getting involved in the fight, but he couldn't make himself do that.
Yes, it was a foolish, reckless thing that could've gotten him killed, yet he'd felt no fear as he fought alongside the mystery girl. As if fighting with her was the most natural thing in the world.

Gods...one look into her stormy eyes and Percy knew he had to jump in. Every instinct in him screamed at him to help, despite his head warning him to run.

Hell, he wasn't even in the bar that night. He despised the place, and that whole barrack even more. Yet he had some indescribable urge to go there last night as if some fate was pulling his strings.

The second he'd seen the brawl, he knew what he had to do. He wouldn't have allowed those men to hurt a woman either way.

Perhaps it was fate, Luke had just offered him everything he could possibly need. A role, a barrack, protection and income.

All in exchange for who he learnt was Annabeth Chase. Not that she needed the protection, she was an exceptionally skilled fighter. Not everyone could take on a gang and live to tell the tale.

Sure, it stung now she'd treated him after their altercation. But he could definitely guard a stuck-up mafia princess. For his family at least, he owed them that much.

"Alright, I'll do it," Percy nodded, shaking Luke's hand. It had splotches of blood across it, and though it hurt Percy's sentiments, he kept his grip firm and didn't let go.

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