Things did not feel right.
Business was getting slow which was unusual for me. Clients that once begged me to partner up were backing off. And I had this feeling that we were being watched.
Did an inspection late at night around the house after she was asleep, no traces of anything.

How can this even happen? I had strong security in my house, I made sure the kid did everything right.
He picks his phone up on the second ring, "Yellow!" I grit my teeth, "What did you do? You said my security was stronger than anything."

"It is. No one can find you. I made sure."

"Your sister was attacked in her room last night. You sure about that security now?"

"Oh shit! What? When? Is she okay? Put her on the fucking phone!"

"She's down. Whoever it was, injected her with something. She had a needle bruise."

"Is she okay?"

The worry in his voice spoke volumes. Panic set into it real quick. He sounded like on the verge of crying. "Is-is she okay?" I nod, "Drugs in her system. She was injected with something, but she is fine. You better check who it was or what's wrong. I need answers in two hours or I swear to god, it won't end well for you. Find out who did this to her!"
He stutters, "I'll hack into your security. I'll find out. Promise."


"What- what is this?" I turn around and find her trying to sit up. I grab my sweater and put it on, running to her side in seconds and try to push her back to lay down. Her eyes are on the needle on the back of her hand, "What- why?"

"Daisy, you need to rest."

"What- the fuck happened?"

"You need to-"

"I will fucking murder you! What happened?!"

She doesn't listen as she tears out the IV, getting to her feet but can't take a step. She falls and I catch her before she can bang her head on the floor. She was in my room now. I couldn't keep her in hers.

I just couldn't.

"Are you gonna fucking speak?!" She's pissed but when I don't answer to her in the next three seconds, she stumbles out the door and I'm hot on her heels, "Wait!"

"Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck the contract." She screams every word as she walks down the stairs, stumbling after every stair. Couldn't even stand up properly so she had to hold the railing to get down. "You annoying fuck!" I don't reach the last stair when she abruptly turns around and points a finger at me, "What happened was your fault! You promised to protect me. I'm done! My brother is not your servant anymore!" Her voice goes louder, "We're done!"

"Listen to me-" she suddenly pushed me with hands on my bare chest, "No! You listen to me." She pushed me again, "You're a douche!" She pushed me the third time and I caught her wrists, "Listen to me!" My voice going louder than I ever intended it to be. She presses her lips in a thin line, letting air out harshly through her nose, standing still. I looked into her eyes and that's when I realized, anger was the outcome of fear.
She was scared.

Do I blame her for being scared? No. Never.

I don't miss the little wince she does when she swallows and I instantly feel bad. I did promise to protect her even if it was for my gain, I promised her.
Her voice is raw with agony, "Aren't you gonna talk?" My eyes locked on the bruise around her neck, "Yeah," I pulled her with me to the kitchen island, "Stay here." She raised her brow with sarcasm, "Woof." I shake my head and grab a bag of frozen tteokbokki from the freezer. She looks down at my hands, "Are you seriously considering making a snack right now?" With full intention to slap me this time. I sighed, knowing it would be a waste to talk her into it, grabbed her sides, and hoisted her up on the island. She gasps but grabs the edge as soon as I settle her down and take a step in right between her legs, holding the frozen tteokbokki to her neck that she hisses and whips away, "It's cold, asshole!" But I grab the back of her neck and make her sit still.

Mr & Mrs CarmeloOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora