Mia's Fate Pt.2

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Things had never been this peaceful before. There are talks of remaining passive and staying under the radar. No one mentions the names of other gangs or impending wars.

Most of all the men have been separated. Von stays at the original Towers hotel overseeing things, more like a businessman than anything else. He wears suits now, complete with waistcoat vests, complimentary colored neckties, and socks that come up to his muscular mid calves. Watching him undress is a spectacle all on its own.

L stays at home with his wife and daughter who apparently isn't even his. He wants his kid to grow up in a two-parent household, unlike what he had with zero. When she's older she might have questions about her parent's unspoken open relationship. He'll fight that battle at a later date. It's nothing compared to what he's been through anyway.

Romero has his own house and it's fucking massive. Gold and tiger print throughout like he's some sort of modern-day kingpin. It has several game rooms and extra bedrooms. Even owning the auto shop couldn't pay for that mansion. The money laundering is obvious.

I visited Seven's condo last month and one of the rooms is still completely empty. The luxurious top-floor home barely looks lived in. I'm assuming he spends the most time with the other members, forever having trouble sleeping alone.

Kimori is the only member who chooses to live in Brookbottom. He has a house there with tricked-out alarm systems and several security guards at each entrance. It puts him closer to the bullets and the remnants of our underground clientele.

In time, I've been able to visit each of their homes and compare how they enhance their personalities, except for L who will forever be an outlier. I've spent nights with all of them. Still, nothing is as comforting as when we were all under one roof.

Everyone has matured in their own way. Von is slightly nicer. He's still stubborn but he's at least empathetic. There are moments when his blue eyes melt. He sees you on the surface of his ocean.

Seven is still as loving as always. His emotions have always been intense but his sincerity evades me. There's a softness in him that never goes away.

Romero seems to show more and more emotion every year. He's realizing he's stuck with us so there's no use in bottling things in until they turn into pure rage. I want to say he's maturing but at times I really can't tell.

L and Kimori must have matured at an early age. I didn't get to see it. They came to me already so strong and chivalrous. L is so intelligent. When we make love he uses his dick as a tool to memorize what I like. Kimori never forgets a single word I say in the heat of the moment. He uses them against me later in the best and worst ways.

I personally did a lot of studying in Mexico. Drinking pina coladas in front of the amber sunset got too repetitive. I felt like a failure for being held back a grade and I made up for it by getting a Communications degree while I was out there. Ultimately, it was just something to keep myself busy. It's not like I had someone to be proud of me.

We're all at Seven's rooftop pool. It looks like a resort. The skyline is bright in the background with the blistering sunlight. The pool itself goes as deep as 9 feet and stretches across the entire space with minimal room for outside flooring on each end.

The weather has been amazing these past couple of weeks. We take advantage of our newfound safety and go out whenever we can. The aquarium, the movie theater, go cart racing, I never imagined doing these things with the gang but they've quickly become my fondest memories.

I'm drinking my fourth mimosa under the shade while Seven, Kimori, and Romero flop around in the water. No one is mad at Von anymore. He makes it impossible to stay mad when he bares his heart so easily. How can we hate someone who loves us?

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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