Romero's Fate Pt.2

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Von never misses, except lately. He's in target practice and can't make a clean headshot to save his life. The cardboard silhouette looks like Swiss cheese once he's done with it and there are several clipped edges around the head.

Seven is beside him going straight ballistic. His hair is pushed back as light droplets of sweat form on his brow. He couldn't resist the urge to dye his eyebrows with the remaining bleach we had from touching up his roots. His grey sweats are too big for him and his black t-shirt is tight. The polyester clings to him as his chest vibrates with the bang of his gun.

I pull out my water bottle and take a big gulp of the ice cold liquid to cool myself down. I store some more in my cheeks and walk over to him. Seven smiles at me and doesn't miss a beat, tilting himself forward and opening his mouth as I hold him there. I squirt the water into his mouth with mine and he swallows it. The small amount that slipped from the corner of his lips gets wiped away with my thumb. Then I give him two light slaps as he beams at me innocently despite being a freak.

L let's out an obnoxious groan as he straightens up his sniper at the booth beside us. "You two disgust me."

I scoff and decide not to be a distraction, for now, as I return to my position beside the gang leader. He's still missing every shot. I don't ask him what's wrong. Instead, he turns around and unloads on me.

"My concentration is off," Von says.

"Mia," I say.

"No, you." The glare in his sapphire eyes shuts me up along with his words. "I've been shaking ever since you touched me. The way I shoot, I can't shake."

Maybe I was a little too rough with him. Though honestly, that was the most gentle sex I've had in a while. Then again, maybe he's just wracked with guilt. I won't sit here and pretend Mia has no part in this. He's lying, but then again what would he gain from being vulnerable?

"I miss her too. You shouldn't have killed her, especially without talking to me first," I say bluntly.

Von shoves me hard, his gun still in his hand. "Are you that fucking stupid? What did I just say?"

I struck a major nerve. I peel away from the metal cage and take two steps back towards him, cautiously because he snaps like a cat. He'll either hit me again or force me to answer both rhetorical questions if I don't do something quick. Another step and I fall forward against him. I wrap my arms around him to prevent him from stumbling or lashing out.

"I'm sorry. We all miss her," I say into his collarbone as he stays stiff in our embrace. "You're not alone."

Von relaxes at that and I feel it in the curve of his spine. His waist is tiny compared to the rest of his broad frame. He exhales deeply before placing his forehead on my shoulder.


The first year without her is hard. With our numbers cut and no new members coming in, Kimori is sent out on petty missions every day and we barely see him anymore. Von has been flying all across the country for different assassinations so he's never here either. I can't deny it. The money is way better with fewer mouths to feed.

Seven is sitting on my lap looking bright as a pixie. He's taking Mia's death the best. He stayed in his room for a month and came out a new man. When her birthday passed I caught Von still buying her jewelry. L had to stop himself from decorating her entire suite with roses. Old habits die hard.

"Why do you look so happy, pequeño?"

"I feel safer now," Seven says softly. His hands are on his knees and I notice the cherry color on his knuckles.

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