Y/N's New Girlfriend - SS - imagine

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This is from F•R•I•E•N•D•S again
Season 2 Episode 1

"No way." Noah says.

Maya, Millie, Noah and Gaten are in Sadies and Millie's apartment.

Y/N was away for a few days and is coming back today. Sadie founded out about Y/N's feelings for her as is on her way to the airport to tell Y/N that she loves her as well.

"I'm telling you, she went to the airport, and she gonna go for it with Y/N." Millie says, as she placing her cup of tea down on the table.


Gaten and Noah does a little hi-five.

"Oh my god-" Maya starts to walk around thin table towards Gaten and Noah. "This is huge this is- this is bigger than huge- this... what's bigger than huge?"

Noah than hummed. "Uhhh this?"

Maya nods. "Yes."

Sadie then comes busting through the door all out of breath.


"Y/N at the airport-" Sadie takes a big breathe. "Not. Alone. Julie. Arm around her. Oh, cramp! Cramp! Cramp!"

Gaten comes over to Sadie. "Alright I think she's trying to tell us something. Quick gets the verbs."

Sadie then hits Gaten. "Ow."

"You! You. You told me she likes me. You."

The door opens again and it's Y/N and some other girl.

Sadie points at them. "You. You slow pokes."

Y/N smiles at Sadie. "That's alright sades, we've got the bags."

Y/N then gives everyone a hug. Then she runs over to the new girl.

"Everyone this is Julie."

Sadie points at Julie. "Julie."

Everyone awes which makes the two confused for second. Until they are upbeat again.

"Oh wow. Julie. Yeah!"

"Hi." Julie says. "You haven't met me. I'm not here, I'll have to make a much better first impression tomorrow, when I don't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me."

"And buss." Y/N adds, making Julie laugh.

"Oh my god-"

"I mean the screaming guy." Y/N says.

"And the spitting." Julie says.

"Y-Yeah you- you gotta hear the story." Y/N says.

"We've on the buss, that is easily 200 years old, right." Julie says.

"200 at least."

"And this guy-"

"And the chicken poops in her lap." Sadie interrupted. As she gaps covering her mouth. "Oh no- I ruined the story didn't I?"

Y/N nods her head, but smiles at her.

"Im sorry it's just the funniest thing I've ever heard. I've heard this story in the cab, and it's all I can think about..." Sadie says as she walks over to the kitchen and grabs a drink.

Millie's fake giggles and smiles a little. "This- this is amazing. I mean- I mean how did this happen."

Julie smiles. "Well Y/N and I were in Grad school together."

Y/N intercepts. "Yeah but we haven't seen each other since then. When I land in China, guess who's in charge on the dig?"

"Julie!" Sadie blurts out. "Julie! Isn't that great. I mean isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch- and sit-on-you neck fantastic."

Another One Bites The Dust - Sadie Sink Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz