Cheesecakes - SS - Imagine

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- This is based on an episode of F•R•I•E•N•D•S
Season 7 Episode 11.
Honestly my favourite episode of the show.

Also Millie and Y/N shares an apartment but Millie is Y/N's sister.

And Sadie and Maya shares an apartment.

Y/N was sitting there at the table enjoying a nice cheesecake.

Sadie walks into the apartment. "Hi."

"Hey." Y/N says back. "You have got to try this cheesecake."

Sadie walks over to the kitchen where Y/N is. "Oh you know, I'm not really a sweet tooth-"

Y/N stands up and places a piece of cheesecake in sadies mouth.

"Wow- oh my god, it's so creamy." Sadie says with a mouth full of cheesecake. She takes off her jacket and placed it in the side.

Y/N gaps as she takes a bit as well as she sits back down.

"Oh my god that is the best cheese cake I ever had." Sadie says as she moves to the table.

"Where did you get this?" Sadie asks.

Y/N froze as she looks slightly up at Sadie. "It was at the front door when I got home, somebody sent it to us."

Sadie checked the box it came with. "Y/N, this is not addressed to you, this is addressed to Mrs, Braverman downstairs."

Sadie gaps as she closes the box and takes a step back. "Thief."

Y/N gasped. "No- look I didn't read the box before I opened it- you can't return the box after you opened the box."

"Wha- why not?"

"Because it's too delicious."

Sadie rolls her eyes. "Y/N, you stole this cheesecake, that is wrong."

Y/N stands up. "No no no, it is gonna be okay, because Mrs Braverman is going to send away for a free one, and that way we all win."

"The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate ." Y/N goes to the box and reads the front.

"Mama's little bakery."

Y/N then stood there. "I feel terrible."

"I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person."

Sadie then lifts her head up and it turns out she was eating the cheesecake. "Hmm? I'm sorry, what?"


Two days later.

Sadie walks into Millie's and Y/N's apartment again. "Hi."

"Another cheesecake came, they delivered it to the wrong address again." Y/N says as she sits in that chair again, with an cheesecake.

Sadie walks up to Y/N. "So, then bring it downstairs, what's the problem?"

"I can't seem to say goodbye."

Sadie rolls her eyes. "Are you serious? Y/N, we ate an entire cheesecake two days ago, and now you want more?"

Y/N scoffs. "Well I forgot what it tasted like, okay?"

"It was cheesecake." Sadie says. "It was fine."

"It had a buttery, crumbly, Graham cracker crust, with a yet light... cream cheese filling." Sadie looked at the cheesecake.

"Well, my whole mouth just filled with saliva..." sadie walked away from the kitchen and to the living room.

"Okay you know what-" Y/N closed the cheesecake. "Forget it."

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