Chapter 12: The Descendant of Kratos vs Union Headmasters (Part 1)

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(Anthony is seen readying his weapons for one more mission as he is suddenly approached by Lucifer.)

Lucifer: It's Union Academy again.

Anthony: Some students are looking for me, eh?

Lucifer: Nope, it's the Headmasters this time.

Anthony: So they grew some spines and decided to take me on themselves. (gets up) Very well, it's time to show them the power of a true God!

(Meanwhile, Team RWBY is seen reuniting with STRQ.)

Ruby: Mom! Dad! Uncle Qrow! Aunt Raven!

(Ruby hugs Summer as she and her teammates hug her too. Yang approaches them.)

Yang: Mom? Is that you?

Raven: Hey Yang.

Ruby: What brings you here?

Tai: Ozpin became delusional. He wants you and anyone who allied with this Anthony guy dead.

Summer: And he didn't like the fact the innocent people were saved.

Yang: He's gone too far this time!

Raven: Something tells me he had already noticed we abandoned Union Academy.

(Out of a sudden, a beam is about to hit them, but someone shields them. It's none other than Anthony Kennedy.)

Anthony: So they knew you wouldn't obey them anymore.

Qrow: You're that Anthony guy? You look... quite different than last time I saw you.

Anthony: And you became wiser than last time, Qrow Branwen.

(Suddenly Sirzechs, Ozpin, Ironwood, Homelander, Chifuyu, Superman and Iron Man come in.)

Sirzechs: Team STRQ... what shame, you chose to spare Team RWBY instead of fulfilling your mission.

Summer: Ruby and Yang are our children, you disgusting devil. They don't deserve to die.

Ozpin: Qrow... you know I can't forgive you so easily for this act of treachery.

Qrow: I don't care about your forgiveness. Because I WAS a traitor when I joined you. If it weren't for Azazel, Eraserhead, Ms. Joke, Midnight and other few Pro Heroes, Summer wouldn't have made it alive.

Ironwood: You sentimental fool... you will regret those words!

(Ironwood shoots, but Anthony shields Qrow.)

Anthony: The weakest of the greek gods had more powerful blasts that this one from your puny weapon.

(Ozpin growls in anger as he charges at Anthony, and Sirzechs teleports behind him as the descendant of Kratos uses his Blades of Chaos.)


(Anthony performs a series of spinning slashes which gives severe cuts in both Ozpin and Sirzechs' bodies.)

Ozpin: Gah!

Sirzechs: Argh!

Ironwood: (eyes widen) Ozpin! (glares at Anthony) Why you...

(Ironwood starts shooting, but Anthony deflects the shots with his Blades of Chaos and approaches him before summoning the Leviathan Axe as it generates ice, which freezes the General of Atlas before ripping his head off.)

Anthony: One down, seven left.

Superman: (stern) You have become much worse than The Joker!

Anthony: (mockingly) Said the man who killed him because he refused to get over his loved one's death.


Anthony: And you, along with the rest of the so-called heroes from that pathetic excuse of academy stole the freedom of this world. Time to give it back!

(To be continued)

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