chapter seventeen

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Amelia's Pov
I find her asleep so I decide to take a shower to get rid of all that fatigue. Hailey and Ophelia took a different car from the airport. I strip down to nothing and walk into the shower. She's trying to break us apart. Maybe the same mysterious woman is the one who has been sending emails. When I'm done I get out eager to be in bed after the face care routine. "You're back already?"she asks groggily walking past me to the toilet watch her rings her arms through the large mirror before walking over to me wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. "I missed you,"she says kissing my neck before burying her head in it. I hear her breathing softly. Such a big baby.



"Can I get dressed and join you in bed?" I ask and she kisses my neck repeatedly before walking away to the bedroom. I love her so much. I throw on one of her tshirts and boxer shorts because I feel way more comfortable in them right now. I get in the bed with her not hesitating to pull my arm closer to her because as tough as she may seem, in here she's the small spoon most of the time. "I missed you too so much,"I mutter to myself still bothered about the envelope but manage to fall asleep because of her comfortable warmth.

When I wake up  her side is empty which makes me frown abit but that is quickly replaced by anxiousness from that day. Should I tell her? I rub my eyes before getting off the bed to find Ari because maybe she left for work. "Mommyyyyy!!!"she shouts so loudly in excitement making me close my eyes to soak up this little burst of energy. I go over to her kissing her whole face because of how adorable she looks. She looks Abit like Fabiana but that's maybe because her sister looked like her. "You're awake,"she says walking over to me cupping my face but scrunches up her face.


"Morning breath,"she says and i just slap her hands away. But she pulls me in kissing me like she didn't just find my breath disgusting. "Okay now eat something. I made sure I made it myself because only I understand how hard it is when something is done wrong for you," she says walking over to the other side of the kitchen counter pushing pancakes which I assume are eggless and a bowl of fresh fruits. "I just love you,"I say smiling widely. I really missed her cooking. "Mommy, mama took me to a park and I played and and we ate candy and ice cream,"she says like she was eagerly waiting to tell me her adventure which I listen to attentively.

She tells them so well. I listen to most of them while Fabiana is on the terrace answering calls. I don't get whey she can't just resume working from the office and doing her day to day activities. She's been like this since that New York trip cancellation. When she's done she paces for a while so I decide to go calm her down. "Ari baby, why don't you go with Mara to shower and change so you can spend the day with mommy?"I ask and she jumps up and down before calling out for Mara to hurry. "No running up the stairs!" I shout before walking over to my wife.

"Is everything okay? You seem tense,"

"Everything is fine, I just...the New York meeting was so important and I didn't think at all when I cancelled it,"she says genuinely and I just follow my instincts to hug her and she doesn't hesitate to hug me back.

"I can help you with the contracts if that's what's bothering you,"

"I'll take care of it...but thank you baby,"she says planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Will you be okay without me? I just need to stop by the company for something,"

"Ofcourse. We're safe here, safe and also I'll send you a list of things to bring me. I'm craving so many weird things, it's embarrassing," I say and she just chuckles at how I'm saying it. "It's not. You're my weirdo," she says leaving a soft kiss on my cheek before walking away. I didn't even get to tell her. I decide to give into her pleas to go swimming so now we're at the pull side area with her in her floaties while I hold her steady in the water. I like how excited she is to just be in the water splashing it.

We do that for a while before it's tiring for both of us but especially her because of her arms. I help her out and help her onto one of the sun loungers but she gets off and walks over to me all guilty.

"Mommy can I sleep here with you?"

"Ofcourse babygirl,"I say helping her up because the sun lounger is big enough I cuddle her towel wrapped body despite it being sunny. The shade is refreshing. I don't know how I fell asleep but I'm woken up by gentle shaking from her. "Ma'am do you need me to take her?" She asks and I look over to a soft snoring Ariella with her hair dry now. "Yes please,"I say and she picks her up in one swift motion so she doesn't wake up. I walk up to our room to shower and change with that envelope still calling my name. I trust her and love her, nothing in that thing can change that. I tell myself once I'm changed. I'm about to open it when my phone rings and part of me is relieved.

"Hey you. Got home okay?"

"Yes I did but still tired from the trip. We should do that more often,"she says reminding me of how wild she got with the cocktails and wound up calling Richard telling him how ready she is for marriage. "Do you even remember what you did while you were-"

"Let's not talk about that,"

"Well don't be surprised if he pops the question again,"I say hearing her start panicking which is funny for me.

"Did you tell her yet?"

"I didn't get the chance to but nothing could come between us. The love I have for her is more than anything in that envelope and I trust that she wouldn't do or say anything to jeopardize that,"

"Good then trash that thing. If all those words are true then you don't need someone showing you what you already know. And besides people do anything to break happy couples apart,"she says and part of me wants to do just that but she's also been acting strange and maybe this could tell me why and how to approach her. "I'll tell you how it goes,"I say genuinely before hanging up. I put it back in the drawer and distract myself with work. It's my turn to make dinner so I set an alarm incase I get too distracted. "Fuck this! I need answers,"I say halfway through a case file and push my laptop to the side reaching for the envelope. I take a few deep breaths before opening it taking out all the contents of it, pictures and phone records from three years ago?

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