chapter fifteen

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Amelia's Pov
"Ma'am the car is ready,"she says standing a safe distance from the door to our room. She still hasn't started moving her stuff back in here but there's no rush, I just got her back.

"Thank you Mara. Have you seen my wife?"

"Yes ma'am, in her study,"she says before smiling halfly and walking out eager to be far away from me before my hormones start. I finish typing part of my speech and conclude I'll finish the rest on the plane. I pack up my laptop and other electronics before moving to where she is.
"La quiero protegida con vuestras vidas. Ella estornuda, en menos de un segundo estás con un pañuelo. Ella también está embarazada, así que asegúrate de que esté bien alimentada, no me importa cómo. ¿Comprendido?"
I hear her say in spanish because her door isn't fully closed. I knock and there's a pause before she mutters something and asks me to come in.

"I'm leaving and I already miss you,"I say genuinely walking over to where she's seated at her desk. She pats her lap and I sit obediently. "I'm gonna miss you too Carino, both of you,"she says rubbing my belly, with her head buried in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent probably. "You smell so fucking good too. Are you sure you can't be late by a few minutes?"she asks rubbing on my cotton fabric covered ass. "It's my jet afterall,"I say making her start trailing kisses down my neck, sucking on it roughly.

If I didn't know any better I'd say she was trying to mark me. I grab my shoes and coat from her messy desk, "I'll be there in five Ophelia, damn,"I say trying to sound composed but my legs are still Abit wobbly. She helps me find my bra and panties with a huge smirk on her face. "You're enjoying this a little too much,"I say walking over to her when I'm done. She grabs my neck gently pulling me in for a kiss that leaves me wanting more.

"Call me before and after take off, okay?"

"I will, "I say pecking her lips between words before I rush out of there. When we get to the airport I am met by unfamiliar faces and twice the number of security. If I thought she was exaggerating with security before, I was wrong. "Mrs Scuderi,"one of them, a woman, who looks incharge says before I start walking and there's three behind me, two beside me on each side and one Infront with Mike.

"Mike what is going on?"

"Your wife requested your safety ma'am,"he says simply ushering me and Hailey up the stairs into the jet. She's flying with me for the first time so I understand her shock.


"How did you get in before me?"

"A private car came to get me...why..why are you protected by so many people?"

"I'm surprised myself too,"I say failing to understand how fast things are changing. I wanted to be Mrs Scuderi, and failed to get the part that I'd be the target. I am the wife of the most powerful business woman globally, ofcourse I cracked her soft spot. We sit in silence with her just exploring the Menu and me trying to arrange my stuff on the table with Hailey's help but realise that we are still on the ground.

"Why is the jet not taking off?"

"You haven't called your wife Mrs Scuderi,"the attendant says innocently making Ophelia let out a laugh. "Your wife really is scary huh?" She asks and I don't hesitate to throw a notebook at her. I fish out my phone and dial her, "I liked it better when you weren't talking to me,"

"I love you too baby. Have a safe flight,"she  says before hanging up and just like that we are ready for take off. I work on my speech with Hailey's help, correcting me and adding in words from time to time. "Anything for you Mrs Scuderi?"

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