chapter nine

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Amelia's Pov
"Mrs Scuderi,"the pilot says as I go up the stairs with her following closely behind me but I know it's because I'm in a dress she chose. Once the plane is off the ground she excuses herself to possibly start preparing her company for her return. I still need to talk to Brianna because I didn't pick any of her calls. But I'm hoping us being finally married will clear off any doubt of me ever chosing anybody else over her. She's my perfectly imperfect soulmate. I'm still tired because I had to shower again after she seduced me. I'm saying Seduce because what she did is way beyond that. I fall asleep effortlessly because I didn't get any sleep at the hotel, on of us had to be alert.

"Amelia! Wake up baby we're here,"she says helping me up. I don't even know ho long I was out but I really needed it. There are four cars outside which confuses me because last time we only came here with one, so her driver.

"Why are there so many cars?" I ask genuinely curious.

"The first thing your dad told me when he handed you over to me is to keep you safe and with whoever is sending us anonymous emails and following us around I need you safe, both of you,"she says lowering her gaze to my belly. I didn't think it was that serious because we had all the security we needed at the house. She takes my hand leading me to the first car where Mike opens the door respectfully but I can tell he's missed us being around. She closes the door but I open it because we are supposed to go home, together.

"You're not coming with me?"

"I have something I need to take care of but I'll be home before you know it,"she says kissing my forehead before I cup her face crashing her lips on mine. I watch her pull him aside then walks away to the car behind us.

"What did my wife tell you?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you miss,"he says dryly focusing on the road. When I get home the lights are on and I couldn't be happier I got here before her bedtime. "Mommy!"she shouts wriggling from Ophelia's arms to come hug me and I crouch opening my arms to her.

"Did you miss me and Mama?"

"Yess..Soo much,"she says cupping my face. She's so adorable. "Where's Mama?I hwave presents for you,"she says looking past me to the door. "She went to go get you a present but that's our little secret,"I say before putting her down. I text her to bring a few toys for her so my lie isn't actually a lie and she isn't disappointed with her. "You look... radiant, hot and wifed up. You look so happy and I love this for you,"she says hugging me tightly and I don't believe her because a happy person doesn't squeeze the life of of someone. "I promised to stay with her until you're back and now it's my turn to go be with Jake and Riley.

I love you and brunch tomorrow, you'll tell me everything!"she says kissing my cheek then Ari's before she disappears. Ah I miss being home and around her. "Why don't we eat dinner while you tell me everything about your stay with aunt Ophelia and Riley and Jake?"

"Yes yes..I ate candy and and..."she says jumping up and down with her tiny hand in mine holding her steady. "Welcome back Mrs Scuderi," Mara says. I help her to her seat before a plate of food is placed before me.

"Ma'am she has eaten already,"

"Ari my love, what do want to have?"

"That and mangos and and fwuits,"she says pointing to my plate and I gesture for Nancy to get it made. She's a big eater and she's always snacking on whatever Fabi and I eat despite her eating her own. There's still time before it's her bedtime and I can't help but laugh at her little stories with the way she's pronouncing things. By the time Fabiana is back I've already helped her into her pajamas and myself too. "Mama!" She runs over to her the way she did me and I watch their faces both brighten up. I take a picture from my phone because it's so cute that picture belongs on the wall or the album so she can know how much she was loved from when she was a baby.

"Ahhh I missed your cute face babygirl! And your nose and your smile and your tiny perfect eyes and your...laugh,"she says tickling her with her baby laugh filling the house. She carries her to where I'm seated with a warm blanket covering me. "Hey baby,"she says leaning in for a kiss which readily allow.

"Did you sort it out?"

"Yes, nothing to worry about,"she says and I believe her. Because she couldn't wait to be with Ari the entire time we were on that plane. "Don't move, I'll go change real quick and join in on the slumber party,"she says seriously making me chuckle lightly. Ariella is just dancing on the huge couch singing, "party party! party! Con Mamma e Mamma,". We speak to her in Italian so she mixes it with English but I'm just happy she's learning. Fabi reappears in grey plaid pajama pants like mine and a low cut white tank top, looking every bit as sexy showing off her gym gains.I'm so lucky. I think to myself watching her position herself on Ari's right side.

"Careful Mrs Scuderi, you'll drool on the blanket,"she says winking at me and Ari catches that smiling cheekily like she knows what's going on. I choose a barbie series because I grew up watching that yet I still couldn't get the hint when I wanted barbie to be with Raquel. She's asleep before we're even halfway but her mama decides it's best to wait until the movie is over, better yet just sleep on the couch bed because she missed us being like this. "I love this,"she whispers. "Me too,"I say genuinely knowing my morning sickness won't let this last. We let her be in the middle getting warmth from both of us and it makes me eager to have this baby knowing it'll get just as much love from all three of us. I kiss her little forehead and drift off to sleep as well.

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