9-Watermelon Steven

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Hello! I know the last chapter took forever to come out, it took like 2 months, but I'm starting to get back in a healthier habit and getting more comfortable with school! But anyways here's a new chapter and I hope you enjoy! Here are the names of the blogs I have in tumblr on this story. Please check them out if you'd like!

stevenuniversequotevstory-the main blog

stevenuniversestoryart- art blog

Anyways, into the story!

Steven and his dad were both currently eating watermelons while the sun was beginning to set. Steven takes a bite of his watermelon "Mmmm" he says in delight. He then spits out a seed and it lands on his his right on his cheek. "Look Dad! I'm Amadeus!" He then starts to talk in a German accent. " MY FATHER- HE DISAPPROVES OF ME!"

Greg laughs at Steven's antics. "Ha! Well check this out!" Greg says as he takes a bite of his slice. He then spits it up into the air and 2 seeds land on his eyelids. "TADA!!" Steven chuckles at his dad. " Betcha can't top that!"

"Bet I can!" Steven said as he took a bite of the ice after melon slice and chewed for a minute. Then, he spit out a seed and it hit a can that was in top of a traffic cone. Greg stared out at it impressed while Steven laughed. "Ha-Ha! Beat that!" Steven cheered.

"Huh. That was impressive, my son. But the name of the game ain't distance nor accuracy." Greg said with his arms crossed and his eyes shut.

"It ain't?" Steven questioned.

"No Steven" his father responded. "This challenge is all about who can spit the coolest. Allow me to demonstrate." He said closing his eyes once again and putting his hand on his chest. Greg takes another bite of his watermelon and chews it for a while. He then looks back at Steven and winks, still chewing. He then inhaled deeply, bends down to look in between his legs, and spits out some seeds as they go over him and land in his hand.

Steven starts to laugh while clapping. "Wow dad!" Steven smiles, but it was short lived when he realized his father wasn't standing back up straight. "Uh dad? You okay?"

He looked over to see Greg still bending down. "Help me son-" he says with a strained voice. Steven runs over to his dad and grabs his hand head to push him back up. Both of them grunting in the process. Steven successfully pushes his father back up and Greg falls on his chair while Steven is still kneeling in the ground. It was silent for a minute, until Greg spoke up " Beat that!"

"WHAT?!" Steven said to his father as he pointed a finger at him. "You're asking for it!" Steven ran over to the table that held the watermelons and grabbed to slices while taking a bite of each a few times. "You're really asking for it!" Steven says but it's muffled due to him still taking bites. Steven stopped taking bites and breathed a little bit, before speaking once again. " Hurricane.....Spin....SPIT!!!" He yelled as he jumped up in the air and spit hundreds of seeds all over the place.

He then stops and points at his father once again. "My hurricane spin spit is unbeatable!!!" Steven yelled at his father who was currently covered in seeds.

Greg then opened his eyes. "My Jove! It's full of seeds!"

"Dad?" Steven asked unsure if he did something wrong.

"Congratulations son. You win by a mile" His father congratulated. Greg then stands up and grabs a cut circled slice of watermelon and bites into the sides and eats the middle to make a watermelon crown. He then picks up the watermelon crown and speaks. "I crown thee your Watermelajesty" he says as he placed the crown on Stevens head. Stevens eyes sparkled with delight. "My liege" Greg says as he pretends to bow down to Steven.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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