Info on Y/n and Ruby

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(I won't be doing the "My mom have me a necklace before she died" sorta thing. The reader isn't really physically abused just neglected. Plus I don't really like that parts thing where one parent is nice and the other is abusive. I'll have chapters that explain more about her past life and all.)

Please read the "Important please read page". I won't force you too but I just recommend it so you know about things.

Y/n- Your name

    L/n- Last name

    F/f- Favorite food

    F/d- Favorite drink   

    F/c- favorite color

Height- 5'6 (sorry if your short or taller)

Y/n personality- Smart, can be rude sometimes, "mean", protective, doesn't like girly things, not friendly, overthinker(sometimes), nice with people she likes or is close to,

Best friend- Ruby

Friends- Ruby( none right now)

Neutral- Most humans on Beach city

Age - 15

Nicknames/ other names they've been called- N/n, clod(lol peridot 😂) , monster, tiger, lonely y/n, poor girl,

Dislikes- Girly things, people being annoying, her new father( will probably change later), the Crystal gems( will change later), homeworld, Anyone who threatens her friends ( especially ruby), Kevin

Likes- Ruby, eagles and lions, the Crystal gems( later) music, books, reptiles, outdoors,

Other things to know- Y/n wasn't exactly "abused" when she was adopted by multiple families to foster her. She was more neglected because she was seen as a way to get money faster( since the government or something pays a certain amount per month for taking care of the child). Y/n has been in about more than 10 families and gets different families almost every 6 months. Y/n has a disorder called "Reacted attachment disorder ". It's basically when a child goes into to much abuse or neglect till they can't form healthy bonds with their caretaker/s. This could probably lead to y/n having a hard time bonding with pearl .


Personality- sweet, nice, cute, overprotective to loved ones, friendly, shy, fun to be around,

Best friend- Y/n

Friends- Almost everyone on beach city

Nicknames/other names they've been called- Rock, pebble, Ru, Alien, weirdo, rock girl

Dislikes-Scary things, dark themed stuff, gore, cussing, Homeworld, Kevin,

Likes- Y/n, Beach city, The Crystal gems, music, most humans on beach city,

Other things to know- Ruby's fem in on the left side of her neck. She is also a very new gem that was just created about 14-15 years ago. ( you'll get more backstory later 👍) she scares easier than most rubies , since rubies are suppose to be guards or protectors she can get a little overprotective sometimes. She has been with y/n since the beginning and knows what has happened to her. But she was also sort of treated the same way as y/n because she stuck with her since she was little. Of course she doesn't need food, water, or a comfortable bed to sleep on so she wasn't treated as bad as you. You guys weren't trapped in the house you both could go outside.  I forgot to add that Rubies voice is somewhere between the ruby Navy's voice to the ruby that fuses sapphire. So sorta high pitched.

I might add more later. I'm also making a relationship page that will change over chapters just so you know the relationship of the characters and y/n

anyways I hope you will enjoy this fanfic once I start writing more!

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