8-Time With The Horror Lover

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A/n Important!!!!!!:Hello! Sorry I've been gone for so long! My school gets out at 5:00 and I'm not even home until 5:30 so I'm exhausted by the time I get home. Plus, I have homework and things to study. But, I'm managing so I'm gonna start posting more. But please keep in mind posts can take a longer time now. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy!

Warning not spell checked ⚠️

Y/n and Ruby stayed up late playing games and eventually eating their food. Henry didn't arrive back home till later that night when the girls were passed out. It was currently early in the mourning and both girls were asleep, in the same room.

They were both sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags, until Y/n's alarm started to go off ruining their sweet dreams.

"Uhhhh," Y/n grumbled as she rubbed her eyes. She quickly turned off her alarm and sat up taking in her surroundings as she was still half asleep. She turned to a peaceful Ruby, smiling slightly.

Y/n checked the time on her phone and it was currently 6:00, too early for her. But, since the sun was starting to rise, she decided to get ready for the day. She got up and picked out a pair of cloths for the day. She grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she opened the bathroom door and stumbled across Henry, who was already dressed and ready for work.

"Oh mourning Y/n" Henry said in a quiet yet welcoming tone. "Didn't know you were up so early, why's that?"

"I had an alarm set and couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to start my day" Y/n said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, I gotta start heading to work" He said as he grabbed went down the stairs and grabbed his keys from the rack. "I'll be gone for a few hours, I should be back by around 2 or 3 pm , do you mind making breakfast for you and Ruby?"

"Um sure, but, are we aloud to leave the house?" Y/n questioned in an awkwardly way.

"Of course! Your pretty old so I think I can trust you to come back and stay out of trouble." He responded with a smile. "Okay see you girls later!"

And with that, the door closed and Henry was gone. Y/n didn't know what to do so she went on her phone . Ruby wouldn't be up for a few more hours so there would be no point making breakfast so early.

- Time skip -

Ruby started waking up at 8:00 in the morning. She noticed Y/n wasn't there and started to freak a little, but smelt some food in the kitchen and started to wonder down the stairs.

She was relieved when she saw Y/n making eggs. "Morning Y/n!!!!" Ruby said in her usual happy cheerful tone. This caused Y/n to flinch a little out of surprise.

"Jeez Ruby your going to give me a heart attack" Y/n said as she placed her hand on her heart.

"Sorry!!!!" Ruby apologized

"It's alright. Breakfast is almost ready, why don't you sit down?"


Ruby sat down at the table with her hands in her lap and her legs swinging back and forth. Soon, Y/n came by with 2 plates of food. Ruby had the bigger plate.

"Thanks!"Ruby thanked in a happy tone. They both started eating. It was quiet until Ruby broke the silence. "Sooo, where's Henry?"

"He went to work." Y/n responded as she took a small bite of her food." He won't be back until later this afternoon."

"Mmm, what are we gonna do today?" Ruby asked

"I don't know, Henry said we're aloud to leave so maybe we can go explore? " Y/n suggested.

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