PART II: Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

I studied my wolf; however weird and strange it was. The creature I couldn't control, and it frightened me of what she could do. How she could take over.

My wolf face was angular and fierce, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. My mouth, normally a soft shade of pink, was now a deeper crimson, a hint of a feral grin. My eyes traveled downward, observing my graceful wolf's body covered with sleek, pure white fur down to its tail that glimmered in the pale moonlight.

My chest rose and fell with each deep breath, revealing the powerful muscles that laid beneath, honed, and sculpted. Suddenly, I flexed my legs and arms. The muscles beneath shifted and rippled in response.

I didn't know what to think at this moment. Even the sounds of the forest were amplified. Its scents intense. My sense perfectly attuned to everything — the hoot of an owl, the scamper of a fox, the faint trickle of a hidden stream. My vision was flawless, where every shadow and gleam were unblemished at night.

It amazed me.

Suddenly, a twig snapped across the lake and my ears pricked forward once more.

Oh, please. No more prey. I begged silently. I couldn't take more blood. 

My head darted towards the sound in a slight panic, yet I shivered in delight. But I could see him as clear as day through the darkness that shadowed him. The wolf approached closer to the water bank opposite. His beautiful midnight black coat heightened his powerful and colossal size. His intense blue eyes that glowed like sapphire focused on me.


My wolf's body shivered again, most probably from fear as the back of her snow white hair pricked up.

Why was his wolf across the lake? My wolf perked up and then retreated from his alpha presence. Damn! I didn't want to do it, but couldn't help his forceful stare. The sheer sight of him — dominated. He lifted his head and sniffed deeply in the air, shutting his eyes. A moment later, his eyes snapped open, and the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing jagged edged teeth and my wolf cowered.

What the hell? I thought. Was I in trouble? I did what I could only think of — run the fuck away from him! I didn't bother to look back as I returned to the forest in a dash — running, running, running.

Sprinting through the trees ten minutes later, howling flooded the air behind me. Wolves were on the chase — after my fucking wolf!

I blitzed past finger stretching branches and stumps with anxiousness trickling down through me. Did the pack see me as a threat? I didn't know. But I couldn't run like this to nowhere. I needed a place to hide for the night until I came to grips with what happened. As if the moon heard me, abruptly, I stopped in front of a rockfall. A sizable hollow settled in between two large rocks, emerging like a tiny cave. It was perfect and would fit my wolf size. With the rustle of wolves' paws catching up behind me, I crawled into the hollow. The muddy ground was cold and damp with the air smelling of stale water.

I settled in the far corner, concealing myself as much as I could. I didn't want to face the wolves even though I was a wolf myself now. My wolf ears jerked, hearing sniffing noses, roaming the ground, coming closer. They caught my wolf so quick, and I curled myself up further — hoping they'll leave us alone.

Swiftly, I could smell them. The familiar scent of bergamot. The twins! I instantly knew who they were. Two scents separated them. Zack had a hint of rosemary while Mike wafted traces of sage. It was a strange sensation as I sniffed in the air. I couldn't smell them as a human, but their scent was unmistakable, like I knew their scent all along by being around them.

How bizarre!

Zack and Mike's wolves crept closer. Their tongues panting. One seemed to cackle in a sort of barking sound, and I huffed out a frustrated twitch of my snout — wanting to bite their tails off! I could see their shadow approaching slowly... but they paused and unexpectedly turned around and moved away like someone called them to return. My wolf could hear their heavy paws racing back towards the forest.

I blinked.

Stupid assholes. They left my wolf alone and didn't taunt her, at least.

I felt tired. The night's events took a toll on my mind that it raced. My wolf laid down her head and sleep took over instantly.

But one thing echoed in my mind, now and forever...

I was no longer human.

I was now a savage and untamed beast!


It's good to be back guys! Thank you for continuing this journey with me... We only just begun:-) Way more action, romance and thrill to enjoy!  Follow me on Ream and read Part II for free!

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