The First Of September

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Welcome to my first ever story. (Yay)

Before we get into it, though, I'd like to clarify a few things.

This story will not be set in any specific year; I aimed for a more modern time, but I'll refrain from setting it in a specific year. So I might also use more modern clothing, language, and even cars.
This story will concentrate on ourselves as Y/n, but we will not be the MC of Hogwarts Legacy, so we're not the ones wielding ancient magic. I feel like there are a lot of stories about Seb and MC already, and I really wanted to try for a different pairing.

We will start at the beginning of our first Hogwarts year, so the first few chapters might be a bit of a bore. Bare with me :) It will get a bit more interesting as the chapters go on

If a chapter needs a specific warning, I'll put that at the beginning of each chapter.

We will face a lot of drama, hurt feelings, and jealousy, tho. This will also be a slowburn between Y/n and Sebastian, which doesn't necessarily mean that Y/n will be an innocent, sweet angel who'll be a teetotal virgin.

A warning I will give you upfront is that there will be a lot of swearing. 

To further clarify: In this story, I will age the characters up a bit. So everyone starts Hogwarts at 12 instead of 11.

There might be some spicy chapters later; I don't know yet if it will be really smutty. Let's just see where the ride is going to take us :)

Also, I am not a native speaker, so please excuse any tense or grammar mistakes. You may point them out to me if you're nice about it :)

That being said, let's get going. I hope you'll enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Thanks :) 💕

It's a warm September morning; the sun is shining brightly through my open window, and I can hear the loud chirping of the birds in our backyard as I am standing in front of the mirror.
Today is THE day, and I am determined to make a good impression.
Today is the first day of September. Which might be a very unspectacular day for any other 12-year-old, but not for me. During the summer, I received my very own Hogwarts letter. Being born into a magical family, I obviously knew it was coming. It was very exciting, none the less. I've heard so many stories from my mother, who used to study there, and my brother, Levian, who is still a student.
I am not only intensely happy to finally be able to study magic at Hogwarts but also immensely nervous. I am a wreck.

Looking back into the mirror, I furiously try to get my hair to look at least somewhat nicer than usual, but I give up the second I hear my mom yell my name through the whole house.
I shrug and leave to see what she was yelling for.
"Honey, come on. You've got to have at least a bit of food in your tummy before you'll have to catch the train."
She storms towards me with a worried expression on her face as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the breakfast table. I give in and sit in my usual spot. I can smell the pancakes my mum just made, and my stomach rumbles. Maybe she is right; I need to eat something.

" are you feeling?" I hear my dad's gruff voice from across the table. He looks at me with sharp, brown eyes but is grinning wildly. He knows I am excited.
"Nauseous." I answer quickly.
He gives me a kind smile and tells me that everything will be okay. And I know he is right, but I am still scared.

I finish my breakfast and leave to get back upstairs in a hurry. I still need to pack a few things, like my schoolbooks and uniform.
After a while, I hear the door crack open, and as I turn, I hear my brother speaking, "Come on, let's get your things and leave. Or do you wish to be late and miss the train?" He chuckles, showing his clear amusement at my nervousness.
"Fine. I'm done anyway." I huff and carry my stuff downstairs and into the car.
My dad took this morning off from work so he could get us into the city to Kingscross Station.
We get through the traffic rather quickly and arrive with an extra 30 minutes to spare before the train leaves.

As I stand on platform 9 3/4 I cannot take my eyes off of the beautiful scarlet train.
I've seen it before, obviously every time we dropped my brother off or picked him up. This time, it is different. It was finally my time to hop on board and enter into a new adventure and a new chapter of my life.
While I am staring blissfully at the train, I barely notice the busy shuffle going on around me. Students and parents are hugging, kissing, and waving each other goodbye.

A young girl eagerly runs past me, and I wonder why she is running. The train only leaves in 15 minutes.

No need to run.

A sudden jolt that almost knocks me over breaks me out of my thoughts as a brown-haired boy scurries past me. "Damn, Anne. Wait!"


"Hey, watch it!" I call out, staring at the boy. He turns around, gives me an apologetic smile, and yells out "sorry" as he continues dashing behind that Anne-Girl.


I 'hmph' and turn to my parents, who have just been telling my brother to behave well and have a careful watch over me.
"I'm quite capable of taking care of myself." I huff. My mum just smiles, "I know, but still." She presses me into a tight hug and places a kiss on top of my head. The strong scent of her perfume is filling my nostrils and giving me a feeling of nostalgia and home. I wiggle out of her embrace and turn to my dad. His eyes are glassy, but he keeps his happy face when it's his turn to smush me in his arms.

As I step onto the train, I turn once more to wave them goodbye before following my brother further down the corridor.

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