"Yes, boss." With that he left.

When I was sure he left, I switched on my laptop which was linked to the feed of every camera view in this club. After searching for a while, I finally spotted my sister. She did not look drunk, not at all. 

I frowned when she somehow without getting noticed, excused herself. My frown deepened when I realized she was following someone. Unfortunately, I could not make out who it was.

When I switched to the next feed, I realized she was either unaware of the blackspot or it she knew about it.

I quickly got up and made my way out of the office. My pace was quick as I made my way through so many people to get to my sister. She is safe. She is safe. Nothing will happen to her. She is safe. 

I chanted the mantra to keep my paranoia at bay, but I was unsuccessful. She doesn't know that her life is always in danger. Although, no one is aware about her at the moment, but it always means someone definitely is aware. There are no secrets in Mafia. Someone always know.

Fuck, fuck, bloody hell. I felt my heart beating against my ribcage when I couldn't find her. She wasn't there. 

I pulled out my phone and called Marco. 

"Vanessa, where is she? I told you to make sure she is safe. Where the hell is she?" 

"Boss, calm down. She is with us. She has been with us and hasn't left our side since." Marco responded.

What? How is that possible? I am sure I didn't imagine it. My eyes traced her leaving figure. I hang the call up and open the same feed in my phone.

"Was I hallucinating?" I muttered when the footage I saw was nowhere to be found.

I am pretty sure it was real. I am not seeing things again. No, I stopped seeing them. They stopped years ago. I am not sick or mental. I am fine. Fuck. Fuck. 

Did I forget to take my meds? Why can't I remember?

Am I losing my mind again?

Bloody hell!


Vanessa's POV:

"Let'ssss gooo homeee" I fake slurred. 

The psycho unintentionally made the best choice to bring us here. She brought us here at the same time as Luigi Giordano and his fucking puppets and my trusted intel.

Another best thing? I got Matthew, Nicolo and Vincenzo drunk out of their wits that they didn't realize I was gone for 10 minutes. Dante did, but sometimes what you see doesn't exist.

Marco was busy flirting with a girl to even pay attention to anything else. So, what I have stuffed in my bra wasn't that difficult to get. To make it clearer, I have the codes to the venue of auction and a memory card with other details worth billion dollars for free. 

That's what connections and loyalty can get you. Don't misunderstand me, I still do not trust anyone, but sometimes, in this fucked up world, there are people whose loyalties lies with moralities. It is rare yes, but not impossible. My intel is one such rare species of this world.

"I will call boss, he said he will take you home." Marco stated and excused himself.

"Excuuuuuseee Meeee." I excused myself and headed towards the bar where Lucas from the cafe was working as a bartender.

First time is a coincidence, and the second time is an opportunity. An opportunity I definitely seek to exploit.

"Lucas" I called him out, not pretending to be drunk anymore.

Upon hearing his name, he turned towards me. Excusing himself, he approached me.

"You remember my name." He awkwardly said when I didn't speak anything.

"Somethings are hard to forget." I smirked.

Leaning over the table, I rested my elbows on the hard surface and placed my palm under my chin.

"I wanted to tell you something." I whispered, nodding at him to come closer. When he bends his head a little, I stood up and my mouth was hovering over his ears.

"If we, by any chance, come across each other again, I would take it as a sign." After whispering, I put distance between us.

My eyes locked on his face, and he was staring at me with a crimson painting his expression. 

"Take it as a sign of what?" He gulped, avoiding my eyes and settling his gaze on my neck.

"You will find out." Soon, I wanted to add. 

The next time we will meet, it won't be any luck or coincidence but solely my choice. What I do know for sure is, he will meet me. 

"Sorella." I heard Dante shouting my name. Time for me to leave. 

With one last glance at Lucas, I stride tipsily towards my supervisor. 

Finally, everything seems to settle in the way I want. Hopefully, the so-called God or Satan won't fuck me up again. 

Because this time, I won't sit still and will definitely fuck them over as well.


A/N: LOOOOK, who is hereeeee? Meeeee

Anyways, how was the chapter? Did you like it? 

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Ms_CornSalad <33333

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