Worth praying for🌹🙏🏾

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I say a prayer for you.
You say a prayer for me.
I'm praying for you.
You're praying for me.
But it's a different type of prayer.
I'm praying for your peace.
I'm praying for your soul.
I'm praying for your safety.
I'm praying for your health.
I'm praying for good things on your behalf.
I'm praying for your life.

I'm praying for you to find someone who so desperately loves you the way you love me.
You're praying for me.
You're praying over me.
You're praying that I one day open my eyes and see what's right in front of me.
You're praying for my strength to leave hurtful situations that I've continued to stay stuck in.
You're praying for my heart.
You're praying that one day my heart would finally choose you.
You're praying for me love.
You're praying that one day I love you the way that you love me.

I'm truly sorry.
I'm sorry that prayer hasn't been answered yet.
I'm sorry I didn't love myself enough to be able to identify the love I truly deserve instead of the love I think I deserve.
I hope one day your prayer is answered.
But I don't hope to be apart of that prayer.
I don't think I'm worthy enough of your love.
I'm not worthy enough of your love.
I pray that one day your prayer is answered.
Bur I hope I'm not the answer to your prayer.
I hope it's someone better.
I hope it's someone worth praying for. -W.O.S.
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