Chapter 2

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I opened the little box that my mother left for me as a memory card. All those memories came infront of my eyes, making me smile at our good times and cry at our end time. "Is little minseokie crying?" He's gentle voice reached my ear drums as he sat down beside me. My shoulder shudder as i let out a sob. He gently hold me until I'm only sniffing. "Grandpa, will you tell me about grandpa's?" I peer at him with big eyes. He's lips tug upwards as a gentle breath tickle me.

'What does my little minseokie wants to know?' He ask, softly pulling me in his lap as he cuddle onto me. "Everything! How grandpa met, about grandpa Jimin and how everything tangled up!" I confess truthfully . 'You're just like your father and mother! Brave and curious!' he chuckled. I wish dad was here with us, but i know they both are happy now together.

'Your grandpa was younger then us. Me, Namjoon and Jin hyung were old best friends.' "Grandpa what about grandpa Jimin's lover?" I nudge slightly glancing at him. He's gaze soften at the mention. 'Cheansu told you about him?' i nod. 'Min yoongi, His name was Min yoongi! Him, I, Namjoon and Jin hyung were bestfriend's. And your grandpa, Jungkook was Jin hyung's younger brother. And Jimin was Namjoon's younger brother. When we were younger a tragedy happened and i left for paris to live with my aunt. And there i met yoongi again as Yoonjea!' he guffawed at the memories.

"Yoonjea? Wasn't his name was Yoongi?" I question. 'Indeed, but when we met, He didn't had his memories. He didn't remember anyone. I remember having a dance competition and i was the judge.' i looked at him with big eyes. Woah! Grandpa was famous when he was younger!!

'And i met Jimin, Teahyung and Jungkook there! They were the sweetest. Unfortunately They had a misunderstanding that lead them to fight with eachother. Teahyung and Jimin liked eachothers and With time Jungkook fell in love with Teahyung!' my ears Perked up at this mention. If they liked eachothers, then why grandpa's have a child and not them?

'Don't thing too much Minnie, i know what you thinking ' i look at him baffled and he giggle. 'After the dance competition, Yoongi proposed Jimin and He accepted because at that time he thought, Jungkook and Teahyung love eachother. And Teahyung was miserable and He proposed jungkook and he said yes. Everything was going smoothly until Mr. Min came to the
frame.' "Who's that grandpa?" 'Yoongi's father. I still remember the day. That was supposed to be our, mainly Jimin and yoongi's happiest day but it quickly turned into a disaster. They were saying their vows when Mr.Min came and shoot jimin.' i loudly gasp. 'But yoongi was there to protect him. He lost his life to protect him, he was pregnant at the time and no one knew, not even Jimin. we all rushed him to the hospital where they declared he's dead. Jimin was devastated at the news'.

'He decided to leave the country, we all tried to stop him. Teahyung was miserable at the news. That was moment jungkook told him to go after him. Even tho He didn't wanted to go at first, after convenience him for a while he left, i was there when he reached the airport. And i came back home only to hear Jungkook was pregnant with your mother. And then-'

"Dad, please come here. We found something, please check it out!" He put me down, standing up. "But what happened afterwards?" I ask paranoid, already want to know the whole thing. 'Wait a little bit Minnie, i will tell you tomorrow! Let's go now. It's time to eat' he said glancing at the clock. I nod and stand up and then we left.


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