⁠☆-⁠The Red String of Fate-⁠⁠☆

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In ancient China so the tale is told, A string of red connects us all, young
and old.

Bound by destiny, it ties us to those
we've yet to meet,
Connecting us in a dance of fate, both bitter and sweet.

Some say it's tied to our pinky fingers,
Others believe it's tied to our hearts
that linger.

Regardless of its anchor point, the red string pulls us along.

Guiding us to those who will help us write our song.

We may resist and tug and try to break

But the thread of fate will always be,Leading us to cities and lovers, joys and tears,

All the while reminding us that our paths are already here.

So let us trust in the red string of fate, Let it lead us to friends, soulmates,
and fate-mates.

May our hearts be open and our steps be sure,

As we follow the red string that will
forever assure.

— anavid71204
(Credit goes to this Instagram account)

Soulmates: Re-written by fate (ON HIATUS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu