SIXTEEN|Circumstantial Evidence

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After they were out of the ER with the instructions to wake up Lucky every couple of hours, to make sure that she was still okay, Sam was driving them back to the LaRusso house.

"I shouldn't have left you guys alone." Justin lamented as she sighed quietly, lowering his head. "I turned my back for five seconds..."

"It wasn't your fault, Justin." Sam said as he looked over at her directly, in the rearview mirror now since she was driving and she was shaking her head. "I never should have gone to that stupid party. It was Miguel's fault, only his. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't mine... and it sure as hell wasn't Lucky's."

"It feels like it's my fault." Justin quietly murmured and silently, he was now looking down at Lucky, whose head was resting on his chest and his arms were around her.

"Did you want to stay over?" Sam asked as Justin sighed. "You drank a few, didn't you?"

"Yeah." Justin quietly admitted and Sam nodded, before they were getting out of the car and Justin was carrying Lucky again.

"Oh my god! Luck, Lucky?!" Amanda was running to them and Justin was shifting his carry hold.

"Mom, it's all right. She got hit with a bottle trying to defend me, but she's okay." Sam said as Amanda looked at Lucky, who was quietly shifting around in Justin's arms. "I told Justin that he could stay..."

"Of course. Go upstairs." Amanda suggested immediately and unfortunately after she had spoken, Daniel had chosen the absolute worst timing to walk into the house again.

"Hey! Stay away from my daughter!" All he saw was the wound and at the shouting of her father, Lucky was opening her eyes again.

"Dad... Dad, stop." Lucky said as Justin was putting her up onto her feet her arm around his neck as she was swiftly using him as her support to keep her feet. "Dad... It isn't what it looks like." She was surprisingly calm at the moment.

"I know what it is. I warned you that he was trouble, Lucky, but as usual... Well, you didn't listen to me!" Daniel snapped at her and he was turning on Justin. "You stay out of my house, and you stay away from my daughter, you son of a bitch!" He said sharply and Justin flinched at the words.

"Mr. LaRusso, I swear..." Justin began and Daniel was shaking his head and now, his eyes almost looked like they were glowing with rage.

"Dad, stop!" Lucky pleaded.

"No. My word is final, you need to leave my home. Now!" Daniel shouted at Justin, who felt pain punching him, repeatedly at every word and he took a slow and shuddering inhale of breath, before he was nodding.

"That's fair." Justin whispered and Lucky looked over at him, her eyes filling up with painful tears. "I'll be fine... I'll call my dad."

"Daniel, maybe we should...."

"Amanda." At the tone of voice that sounded almost dangerous in Daniel's voice, Amanda stopped speaking and then she was shaking her head. "Lucky, go upstairs. Now!" Lucky was once again, painfully now shaking her head in defiance.

Justin felt painful tears prickling at his eyes and he was nodding. "I will see you at school for the gym, Lucky." Justin murmured and he didn't look at her, not wanting to see the pain that was mirrored in his eyes that was ripping through her too.

Justin turned around and he was swiftly walking out of the LaRusso house. After the door had slammed shut behind him, he sat down and he gritted his teeth and his tears were streaming down his face and he was clamping his hand over his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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