FIFTEEN|Canyon Parties

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Lucky pulled up to the Barnes house and she was folding her arms behind her head, deciding to wait before honking an obscene amount of times in the direction of the house.

Someone honked behind her and Lucky turned around to see that she had just accidentally blocked Mike's spot to put his car. Lucky pulled out of the driveway and she straightened her car out, so that she wasn't taking up the entire driveway.

"Sorry, Mr. Barnes." Lucky rolled down her window quickly as she spoke and then Mike was pulling his car up next to hers.

"Don't worry about it. When did you have time to get such a cool car?" Mike asked and he was looking over the car quickly, looking impressed at the paint job and Lucky had even added a few extra bonsai tree designs around the door handles.

"I bought it out of a junkyard. It had been stripped for parts, it was a wreck. So I bought it in cash, fixed it up myself and the parts came from my mom. It all came out of my paycheck for the next... Year and a half?" Mike chuckled at the way that Lucky spoke about it and she was grinning. "Anyways, it is mine and I'm damn proud of it." She remarked.

"Are you waiting for Justin?" Mike asked as she nodded. "Well, don't just sit in the car. Come on in, stay a while. He was out with some of his other friends from school, Eli and Miguel I think? I'm not sure though." Mike admitted as Lucky got out of the car and she was walking up the stairs after him and she locked the car quickly as a habit.

Then her phone beeped and she looked at the phone in her hand, unlocking it quickly and she glanced down at it.

[] JUSTIN []

"Hey sorry, time got away from me. Aisha, Eli, Demetri, Miguel and I are headed to the canyon for a party. Eli, he used his ID to get us some alcohol already and we're headed out."

"All right. I am just at yours, wish I had known ahead of time. Is anyone allowed at the party?"

"Aisha says yes."

"Then I'm on my way."


"Turns out they're at the canyon." Lucky stated and Mike glanced over at her. "Don't worry. If there is alcohol involved, I'll drive him home. I don't drink." Lucky promised and at the words, Mike chuckled and he was nodding.

"You're good for him, you know?" Lucky smiled a little and feeling her ears going red at the words. "Have fun and if you need a ride home and don't want your parents to see you trashed, you guys can always call me." Mike said and Lucky laughed.

"Thanks Mr. Barnes." She said as she was quickly walking out of the house and then her car unlocked as she walked to it.

Lucky opened the door and after checking every direction, she was driving off towards the canyon.

When Lucky got there, the party was just getting started as more and more vehicles were already parked quickly. Lucky walked down the well-worn path and she surprised Justin, who was talking with a few people and he had a beer in his hand. "Hey Luck, you made it." He said and then Lucky was ducking under his arm, kissing his cheek as she was resting her head on his arm briefly.

"Hey there Lucky!" Aisha called from across the canyon and Lucky was excusing herself, walking over to Aisha who stood in front of the coolers. "Beer?" Aisha asked as she was holding out a beer to her and Lucky was shaking her head.

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