ELEVEN|Utter Chaos

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Justin looked up when he heard footsteps and Lucky was sitting down next to him quietly on the front steps to the LaRusso house and she sighed. "Sorry." Lucky said and Justin glanced at her. "I should have trusted my gut and just not brought you over." She shook her head. "Welcome to the LaRusso family chaos." Lucky muttered quietly.

"I have never met my dad's parents." Justin said and Lucky glanced over at him. "They used my dad's karate prowess and his karate money to build a better life for themselves and they just left my dad behind eventually altogether." He remarked and Lucky reached out as she grabbed his hand in hers. "Besides, that fight was basically nothing compared to some of the ones that my parents get into. My dad never goes near her, but my mom takes advantage of that." Justin shrugged at the words. "It's life, I guess."

"And here I am, ranting about how bad my family supposedly is." Lucky muttered and he glanced over at her as he was shaking his head with a chuckle, before wincing at the pain in his ribs. "Why are you laughing at me?" She asked.

"I'm not laughing at you, Luck." Justin remarked and he was shaking his head at her, trying to find the words that he was now looking for. "It is just... Well, I know that you think that it's just you against the world, because of your past." Lucky looked over at him, seeming to be paying attention even more so now. "But if you would give it over to someone, or just share the burden. It would make your life a lot easier." He said as she lowered her head.

"You make it sound so easy." Lucky muttered quietly and Justin reached out a hand to her, lacing his fingers with hers and she was looking at their entwined hands and he smiled a little sadly.

"Take it from somebody else, who has actually had to do this. It is always better when you let somebody in, when it is not just you against the whole world." Justin murmured as he squeezed her hand very gently. "I would gladly take some of it, off of your shoulders, if you would let me." Justin murmured as Lucky glanced at him, before she was smiling hesitantly.

"Really?" She asked and he nodded.

"Really." Justin replied as she moved her arms around him in a careful hug. "I can feel eyes, who is it?" He asked quietly and she growled quietly.

"Anthony!" Lucky's shout scared her little brother off, as he was tripping up the stairs and Lucky was taking off after him and she was yelling after him.

Justin was laughing as Lucky was walking back with a couple of sprites as she handed one to him, before she heard her name being called. "Oh, lovely." Lucky said as she was shaking her head. "I'm sure that my mother and my grandmother are trying to kill each other again, so I will be back." She said as she got back up onto her feet again.

"Yell if you need backup." Justin said as she looked at him, before she was smiling at the words and she was quickly walking back into the house.

"Lucky!" Lucille was calling and Lucky sighed, walking over to the living room and seeing that her grandmother was sitting on the couch.

"I was talking with my... friend outside, what's going on Grandma?" Lucky briefly tripped over the word friend and she was looking at her grandmother, who was now lifting her eyebrows at her.

"Your friend?" Lucille asked and Lucky groaned at the words, shaking her head at her grandmother. "Friends don't look at each other like that." She pointed out.

"Look, I'm just glad that he's okay. He has been in the hospital for two months straight and I'm glad that he's out, okay?" Lucky snapped and Lucille's mouth was opening to respond, probably trying to calm down.

"I brought him here, to try and help keep the peace. But naturally, all that you have done since you got here is insult my mother, and insult our food, insinuate that we are in the wrong for what Louie has done and naturally, rebuking us for things that he has done to screw up our family business." She burst out and Lucille was staring at her with her mouth hanging open, as Lucky had let it all out and she was shaking her head. "For a situation like this, it doesn't matter if he is a member of the family. Especially not if it brings all of us, right down with him!" Lucky was finally done and naturally, she felt eyes on her.

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