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Two days later, Lucky and Sam were still not on speaking terms with one another and it was rather unsurprising to anybody who actually knew why.

Lucky was half-asleep in the cafeteria with her head resting on the table that their little group was sitting at and she was nearly asleep, until she heard feedback from a microphone.

Lucky grunted at the piercing noise and she looked up, seeing that it was Counselor Blatt who was holding the microphone.

"Hey, what is this about?" Lucky mumbled to Eli, who was saying nothing and she was tilting her head to the side. "Hey, Eli." She said and he looked up at her, before she was gently nudging him with her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked and he shook his head at the words.

"Cyberbullying is really no laughing matter." Counselor Blatt began her words and although their table was listening, a good portion of the others in the cafeteria were definitely not. "Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. Now I'm not going to name any names, but last week, a mother called me saying that her son was in tears because people had been making fun of his facial deformity." At the words, Lucky's head snapped up to look at her, before her eyes immediately went back over to Eli, who was moving to cover his lip with one of his hands.

"Eli." Justin said as he gently shook Eli's shoulder and the shy teenager turned to look at him. "Move your hand." He said and Eli shook his head from behind his hand, as Lucky got the message that Justin was trying to convey.

"Eli, that scar doesn't mean that you're weaker than anyone else." Eli turned to look past Justin, to look directly at Lucky. "If it means anything, it means that you're a real survivor. Put your hand down and you own it." Lucky said as Eli's mouth was twitching briefly, like he was trying for a smile. "What did Tyrion Lannister say to Jon Snow about him being a bastard? What did he say to Jon and tell him to do, about things that make people like them, different?" Lucky asked.

"Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." Eli remembered the quote and Lucky nodded at the words. "Do you really believe it?" He asked and she nodded.

"Speaking as someone who just got out of Juvie, yes Eli, I believe it." She said and he grinned, lowering his hand away from his face and Lucky smiled a little wider. "That's it, own the scar." She said and he nodded.

"Nicely done." Justin murmured very quietly to Lucky, out of sight from Eli and out of the side of his mouth.

"You would have been the one being congratulated, if I hadn't interrupted your words." Lucky mumbled back and she was looking up suddenly, recognizing Kyler's nausea-inducing voice over the rest of the chatter in the room.

"Should we really have to go to the dance with a so-called "reformed criminal?" Kyler called out and Lucky didn't move an inch at the words and her eyes were the only thing that betrayed how much it bothered her. "I, for one, don't trust Lucky LaRusso as far as I could throw her!" He called out loudly for everyone to hear inside of the cafeteria.

"Which wouldn't ever be very far, Kyler Park, just assuming that you even got near enough to touch her!" Justin shot back and a collective "ooh" went through the crowd at the words as Kyler was staring at him with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Who in here today, actually, really and truly feels comfortable enough with having a criminal in the dance with us? Put up your hand if you do?" Kyler suggested.

Eli, Demetri, Miguel, Justin and Darren all put up their hands. At another table near a corner of the cafeteria, Lucky felt a soaring feeling of triumph when Aisha and two of her friends from her computer classes were putting up their hands.

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