TWO|Old Friends & New

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"Nope, I'm staying in the truck." Lucky insisted as she was sitting in the passenger seat of Justin's truck and she was refusing to leave. "I'm not going in there!" She said and Justin sighed.

"You have to go into school again at some point, Luck, you can't just wait in the truck for me every day to bring you your homework." He pointed out and she looked at him. "Don't you want to see the dynamic duo of Eli and Demetri again?" Justin played the friend card and Lucky groaned. She was unbuckling her seatbelt as she got out of the truck and Justin smirked.

"Wipe that look off your face, Barnes, or I will break your balls." Lucky muttered and Justin's smirk swiftly disappeared and they were walking into the school.

After suffering through multiple classes where all of the students in her classes other than Eli, Demetri and Justin were making fun of her for coming into school, fresh off of a stint in Juvenile Hall, it was finally time for lunch.

"Thank god." Lucky muttered as she took her tray and was thanking the lunch lady quickly for it, before she joined Demetri and Eli at the table.

Justin followed soon after with Darren, a new face for Lucky at least, but he clearly was someone who had joined the group while she was gone. "Darren Keene." The blonde haired boy offered her a hand and Lucky nodded quickly, before she shook his hand with him.

"Lucky LaRusso." She said and he looked over at her. "My parents were clearly being way too optimistic about my future." Lucky remarked and Darren laughed as Justin was sitting down in between them and he looked at his pudding cup, before he slid it over to Lucky. Lucky caught it and she peered down at it. "Right, you don't really like chocolate or anything." She said and Justin shook his head.

"I'm allergic to chocolate." Justin reminded her as she was digging into the food quickly as she was staring down at her tray. "Hey, none of us are going to steal your food." He reminded her as he gently nudged her in the arm and Lucky looked over at him.

"Uh, right." Lucky mumbled as she was slowing down with the food, as a new kid came up to them. Lucky swiftly lifted her eyebrows at him, wondering what Demetri would say or do at the sight of him.

"Is it cool if I sit here?" The new boy asked and Lucky looked over at Demetri, who was wincing a little.

"Ooh. Sorry, the table's really blowing up right now. I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest here..." Demetri noted very sarcastically.

"Shove off Demetri." Justin said as he interrupted them. "You, sit, now." Justin ordered and the new kid looked almost a little bit surprised at the words, before he was pulling up another chair and sitting on it.

"Miguel." The new boy said.

"Demetri. This is Eli." Demetri introduced himself and his best friend at the table, who as usual, was saying absolutely nothing.

"I'm Justin." Miguel nodded to him and Lucky lowered her head a little bit. "Right, this is Lucky LaRusso. She doesn't talk much either, but when she does... Well, it is usually words that are worth paying some form of attention too." Justin noted and she smiled a little bit.

Lucky dropped her head at the sight of Yasmine, Sam and Moon. "Great." She was muttering into her burger, or what was left of it anyways.

"Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri said, and lightly, Lucky kicked him in the ankle. "Ow." He muttered under his breath.

"Do you ever talk to them or..."

"One of them is sitting right here." Demetri said and Lucky glared at him. "And I think I just pissed her off... Justin, help!" He said and Justin sighed.

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