Chapter 12:Re-kindling

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"Alright you two, let's start your session."

Bobert sat down at his chair and looked at the two before him. They seemed...different compared to last week. They seemed a lot...closer. For a long time, they seemed to be quite distant from each other in a way; now, they were right next to one another, holding hands.

With a few pre-session scribbles, he decided to write that down off to the side.

"So, Nicole, how are you feeling today?"

Nicole side glanced Gumball before smiling a bit towards Bobert.

"I'm-...I'm doing better now."

"And you, Gumball?"

"Oh uh, yeah. I'm doing better too. I think just spending more time with family and loved ones make a big difference for me."

"That's wonderful to hear. Thank you, both of you. Now-..." Bobert started, flipping his page and adjusting his seating position.

"Nicole...I would like to know how you are doing at work. Is it easy to adjust back to after your kidnapping and traumatic events?"

She paused. She wasn't expecting that question.

Work. God she hated her job; however, it was her vital lifeline. Her currently only source of income. Work; the place where she broke down, alone, in a puddle of her own tears...

Looking towards Bobert, she could see he was giving her a certain look; a deep one. It was hard to explain, especially how he was doing it with his one eye, yet...she could understand what he was trying to convey to her.

She needed to lie. She needed to lie again. Not just for Bobert's sake; this time, she had to lie for Gumball too.

"I' to do my job again. Despite some...challenges, I think I have...adjusted well enough."

She was squeezing Gumball's hand now. Luckily, it was just out of sight, or she could have been spotted turning Gumball's hand a different color by Bobert.

"Thank you for your response, Nicole. Gumball, how is school treating you? Have you also adjusted alright?"

Gumball used his thumb and stroked Nicole's hand gently, allowing her to loosen her grip and feel more at ease.

"Oh yes Bobert, I am doing well, and have adjusted accordingly. I'm fact, since I returned, I have excelled at my homework and have a new sense of pride and self worth."

Bobert wrote down a few things before continuing.

"Very good, very good..."

He looked back up at them again.

"Now, why don't you tell me about your week? Nicole, I'll let you go first."

'Oh we go again...'

This was going to be a LONG session...


"And that concludes our therapy session for today. I would like to thank the both of you." Bobert said, before ending both his audio and visual recording.

With a sudden pulse from his wrist, he silenced all the other equipment around them before getting up from his chair and headed towards the nearby control panel.

"So, how are you two REALLY doing? I noticed you seem a bit...closer this week."

Nicole let out a sigh before looking around cautiously.

"Well, Bobert, we-...decided to be closer."

He stopped typing.

"How so?"

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