Chapter 6: Second Thoughts

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After exiting the bathroom, Nicole straightened herself up the best she could. She had been in there quite a while, replaying several thoughts over and was like a dark cloud has formed over her. The roots of stress within her seemed to start to grow again, and it was reaching pretty deep this time.


Nicole shook the thought away.

'I can't keep this bottled up inside me, can I? I can't talk to Gumball about this yet...but who can I talk to?'

Nicole stopped at the stairway.

'Bobert. Bobert might be the only one...but I can't just tell him about my questionable thoughts in front of-'


Nicole took another deep breath, clearing her mind a bit more before descending down the steps.


"Ah, Mrs. Watterson, you have returned. Are you alright? You seemed...unwell."

"Yes Bobert, I'm...I'm fine. I think I just-...had a bad stomach ache from eating food this morning."

"I see. Perhaps the foreign types of food here is different from your other dimension, I would presume?"

"Maybe you're right...anyways, I think we should stop this session for today. I...would like to go home now."

"I understand. Very well, let us continue this conversation together next Saturday, shall we?"

Both Gumball and Nicole nodded before getting up from their seats and Bobert jotting down a few final notes before getting up himself.

Nicole led Gumball upstairs after Bobert, and they all reached the front door.

"It was a pleasure talking with you both. Now, remember our secret. Keep it well hidden. Until we meet again..." Bobert said quietly to the duo before opening the door.

As Gumball make his way out first and Nicole following close by, she was briefly stopped by Bobert and turned her head to face him.

"Please Mrs. Watterson, you look tired. Perhaps you should get some rest. It could clear your mind, and your stomach."

Nicole nodded before looking towards Gumball as he continued to walk on, oblivious that she wasn't right behind him.

'Maybe now is the good time to ask...'

Nicole quickly leaned in close to Bobert and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Bobert? May I...speak with you privately tomorrow? I would like to...discuss a few things one-to-one."

"Of course Mrs. Watterson. What time do you wish to do this?" He asked, lowering his own tone to a electronic whisper.

"Does one o'clock work?"

"Yes." He Replied, making a small note of a meeting on his wrist visor.

"Thank you Bobert. I'll see you then. Goodbye."

"Good bye, Mrs. Watterson."

With that, Bobert closed the door behind him and Nicole made her way over towards Gumball, who was now just noticing her absence.


Entering back inside their home, Gumball decided to hang out with Darwin, while Nicole went into her room and shut the door behind her and plopped her tired body on the comfy bed below.

"Maybe Bobert was right. Maybe I'm...just not thinking straight. Nothing like a good nap to clear things up, right?"

With that, she pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes.

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